We Are Now Entering Full-Blown Tyranny In The Western World

Authored by Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com,

If we accept what they are doing to us now, they are just going to keep pushing the envelope.  Over the past 12 months, authorities throughout the western world have used the pandemic as an excuse to impose Orwellian measures that we never would have accepted during normal times.  They are promising us that these measures are just “temporary”, but the pandemic has already been with us for a year and there are no signs that it is going away any time soon.  If those governing us are willing to go to such ridiculous extremes during a relatively minor pandemic, what are they going to be willing to do once things start getting really crazy?

Watching the events that have unfolded at a church in Edmonton in recent days has been a breaking point for me emotionally.

Last Wednesday, the RCMP received global attention when it put up a three layer fence around GraceLife Church in an attempt to keep people out.

I don’t know why they decided that one fence would not be sufficient.  Apparently having Christians gather together is so dangerous that three fences were needed.

Needless to say, this draconian move made a lot of headlines, and on Sunday approximately 400 Christians gathered to protest at the church.  Most of them were just singing hymns or reading the Bible, but when a few of them started tearing down one of the fences, 200 heavily-armed riot police moved in.

I would expect to see this sort of a scene in communist China, North Korea or Iran.

This sort of thing was never supposed to happen in Canada.

Out of 4.4 million people living in Alberta, there have only been 2,013 deaths, and about half of those were among people 80 years of age or older.

If it isn’t safe to go to church, why are hordes of Canadians allowed to circulate through retail establishments every single day of the week?

If churches should be shut down, you would think that Wal-Mart, Costco and Canadian Tire should be shut down too.

But they aren’t shut down.

All over the western world, we are being promised that life will finally go back to “normal” once the pandemic is over, and they are telling us that the vaccines will end the pandemic.

But that isn’t happening.  Cases are on the rise again, and thousands are still getting sick even though they have been “fully vaccinated”.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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3 years ago

Satan has taken hold of all these people -- my question is why are the Cops assisting these evil forces -are their jobs so important — They use the old excuse — I’m just doing my job — an SS style answer — they would violate these peoples right to worship-- God will remember you — no wonder why people are coming to a point where cops are the enemy to ever one -- The unarmed foolish Canadians followed the British firearms policies and allowed the Government to take all their weapons -- now they have no recourse to comply or die — someone needs to die and since this never reaches the masses — its buried

3 years ago

This is not going to end until We The People end it…if we can muster the courage to do so.

Last edited 3 years ago by AlphaDog
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  AlphaDog

Agreed. There should be a thousand people there ripping that fence down.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Murikan’s are currently banned from travel to Canada.
Unless you’re going to cross the U.S./Canadian border illegally
and actually fight (like the Christians in Edmonton), what are you going on about?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Ack Ack

Do I have to specify? There should be a thousand CANADIANS there ripping down the fence.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

No Murikan’, you don’t.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

It’s going to take more than ripping down a damn fence. These cops take a oath to protect and serve we the people . To protect us, the citizenry and damned if that is what is going on

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago
Reply to  AlphaDog

Murikan’s are currently banned from travel to Canada.
Unless you’re going to cross the U.S./Canadian border illegally
and actually fight (like the Christians in Edmonton), what are you going on about?

CPL Antero Rokka
CPL Antero Rokka
3 years ago

Here in the CATHOLIC CHURCH, we have been getting a steady stream of unsupported blather from the Bishops about mask and distancing “effectiveness,” none of which is factual or true. The old “common good” trope. This from <ahem> “shepherds” who have been excoriated for decades about “separation of church and state” issues. Eh, what?
Back in the Black Plague Days, Priests and Bishops were out on the road, homes, and shops, ministering to their flock, not bowing to “directives” or “suggestions” by Caesar.
Yet--there seems to be no “separation” of the FED GOV million dollar reimbursement checks to CATHOLIC CHARITIES for illegal invaders. Humm…?
Last week’s Sunday Parish Bulletin inferred that those of us faithful who question Holy Mass restrictions of face-diapers and distancing are, well, a kinda PITA.
What Holy Mother Church needs right now are some ham-fisted, quick tempered, boisterous old fishermen (paging Simon Peter!) to set the barque back on course. Religious working stiffs with callused hands who brooked no nonsense and put their backs to the job.
I’d even be happy with a cerebral and talented Fulton J. Sheen with his Irish wit and kindly persuasion, but I’m afraid we’ll need to <ahem> cleanse the temple a la the Jewish Carpenter’s whupping of days past.
I’m ready at 80 Summers young!

Stealth Spaniel
Stealth Spaniel
3 years ago

Best.Reply.Ever!!! Yes, folks need to remember that the rich Elites never parted with money or time to build the Great Cathedrals. It was the every day yoeman with the work worn hands and the full heart who made them possible. I heard my mother talking to one of my aunts as a child. My aunt was crying after finding out about Vatican Council 2. I recall her words: we are no longer Catholics. It was like a death in the family.

CPL Antero Rokka
CPL Antero Rokka
3 years ago

Thanks, Stealth!

3 years ago

People, it’s going to take some ass kicking, some bloody heads, no war has ever been won without courage and bloodshed , it’s the citizenry or it’s them the tyrants , who’s going to be the last one standing 🤬🤬👹👹👹🤯🤯🤯

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

Two wrongs do make a right.
What would antifa or blm do? They would push back. So should we.
I know the building is not the church and you can worship anywhere but I do not like being pushed around. I do not like any one of my rights being infringed upon.

3 years ago

Father please save the souls of those involved in Satan’s work there. If there are those that will not be saved, strike them down so they can never hold a position of authority again to work Satan’s will. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Why aren’t we talking about firing and indicting these police and their administrative leadership? Why aren’t we talking gathering all of the Christian-traditionalist-conservatives corporations together and blocking the commerce of these leftist-communists? Why aren’t we talking about placing these people in “recovery camps” until their brains can be calmed and “re-educated”?
We are the ones who are asleep. We are the ones who have bought the agenda that is to be our downfall. Why? Why have we let communists rob us of our reason and our societal responses? Is it because if they are closing our churches and small businesses we don’t want to react by going after these people both physically and socially? How stupid and vain must we be before we recognize that this is our fight for our survival and not theirs.
A life lesson learned: I am not going to be successful in defending myself and what I believe in if I spend my time empathizing and watching my opposition. My obligation is to protect and preserve MY point of view and MY life needs.
These “officers” should have been properly pummeled and followed back to their HQ where their leadership should have also been properly pummeled and so on right up to Trudeau. The fence needs to come down, normal, good people need to take off the masks and properly criticize or humiliate anyone in their vicinity wearing it. The tables must be turned! No where am I suggesting killing or destroying, only responding with full force of moral and good people. It is for their own good. It is for the higher good of all people.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Not sure if people are asleep as much as people are afraid to act. Complying or ignorance is much easier. I hear a lot of “lost my guns in a boating accident” or “just wear a mask so I don’t have to deal with the confrontation”.

It’s time for men in this country to nut up or shut up.

3 years ago

This is what happens when poeple are disarmed. Canada has very strict gun control laws and the people are basically helpless to defend themselves.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast

Dot you mean his daddy Fidel?

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago

A form of ACTUAL FIGHTING that I referred to in the first posting, about this State tyranny attack on freedom of Christian worship.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

The “Great Reset” is happening. There is no stopping this.
There is no ‘Quick fix’, no lip service that will flip or change what we are in for.
There are two views, and a lot of chaos and confusion in the middle.
The New world view is fairly clear, they are telling us and showing us who is who.
Have we been warned? Why is this happening?
What is Yah’s view? How does He see this world and what it has become?
He can make these many signs much more clear to see. He can also bring us peace in the midst of all this utter madness. Peace ‘through’ and as a son.
Are you and yours warned, prepared and prepped both ‘Spiritually’ and if told physically for the coming storm?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower