“What this DHS guy said TERRIFIED me to the core” | Redacted with Clayton Morris

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Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
8 months ago

Mad Max has arrived!!!!!! Wellcom to the New World Order!!!!!!!!

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
8 months ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

Got ammo?

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
8 months ago


kal kal
kal kal
8 months ago

not enough!

8 months ago

Water, food then ammo. Everyone has tons of ammo but how many have enough food so they wont have go out and scrounge like the masses will.

8 months ago

Pedo’s always hang out where the children are. Thus, The NGO child trafficking., like Save the Children. When then UN help was sent to Haiti, they raped the children.
How much does Jill Biden get paid to be on the board of Save the Children.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
8 months ago

My US Congressman Nathanial Moran who represents East Texas has done nothing to stop the invasion of the southern border. He is now an open border RINO / Zionist. He is always glad handing around East Texas shilling for Israel and Ukraine. He is a bought pull peddling traitor. Who is $ John Galt?

Warren V. DeCee
Warren V. DeCee
8 months ago

Is trust something that is to be distributed to anyone, like Halloween candy, or is trust something to be earned? Has the US federal government earned your trust?

Skip Town
Skip Town
8 months ago

Looks to be prelude to slow armed civil resistance, one neibhorhood, one home owner, one farmer, one small village. at a time. I think you can say its akin to a super saturated solution from which crystalized self defense, forms, and from this a catalyst is begun in which other basic good folks in similar straights hear of and witness what others have one way or another found the courage, or neccessity, or all the above, crossed that imaginary line from the civilized world we have been so God blessed to live, into uncharted territory. And I say this in no uncertain terms, as “they,” that which it now appears unquestionably, to be a cabal, formally going back to at least King Solomon’s sinister rule and betrayals, (Khazarian/Ashkenazi, get it -nazi?), under centuries old implied consent clause Solomon and his cabal where forced to comply, ring any bells you guys? AKA, they always must tell us what they are doing to us), which has more or less ruled for a very long time, mostly operating along the fringes of the shadows in a myriad of disguises and forms, ( you have the silent circle, the black nobility, families going back to Roman Empire times, order of the black sun, “security” for the various colored orders of the dragon, your jesuits, black popes and a completely converged Vatican, high masonry, from gangstalkers, which the truly foul Medici family developed and still run, to the NGO fronts and glowies agents and ioerators, your 5 star generals, the langley 5, mi4-5-6/mossadd/cia depends whose running what war or false flag or genocide of the month, and of course the just insidious surveillance and putting the beam on all us paycheck slaves.
Anyway, that super saturated solution is simply basically an unavoidable thing. There’s always miracles. Who can say. Not me. I’m squinting my eyes and its what I see thats all. You got your own view and thats great. We at least have that Sovereign Liberty. And if course guns, lots of guns. Say near around a good hundred million good folks armed to the fucking teeth anyways, who knows whats been stockpiled for arming up the alien invasion. Boils down to simple shit. Thats it. Thats all we really got between us nationally state-wise and AO wise. At some point somebody at the right time right place says fuck this shit, yeah, because fuck you thats why, as Ol’ Max Velocity coined as an an acronym, BFYTW!
I ain’t saying anything i’m just saying it. Thats all. Somebody is gonna fire one of those shots heard far and wide and timing is everything, then I think its on like donkey kong in that way thats part of us, where its said, well put it basic as possible, ain’t many folks get mad like just good folks whose codes been ruthlessly violated. Truth of truth be spoken here, its what “they” always thru time been scared of. Takes false flag wars, big genocide, a plandemic, you know what, to stop folks who had enough. Talking a plurality of people, kind that legion in numbers and scope, kind that areives at the unique synchronicity where that saturated solution starts forming a crystalized movement, nobody can say or predict such thing and thats nobody. But its the birth of A Legion of good folks in common cause that results. And just how is such a thing kept from taking place. Thats in some ways the real question. Me? I say it can not be stopped. It is something thats only needing a missing ingredient. And things being what they are, our own worst enemies are their own worst enemies, its them who can not avoid being who supplies that missing element which creates what they fear most. And I fully suspect something completely different is going on, this is the end of a 5000 year cycle. The end of the terrible circular history under which we good folks have been held slaves to. Can not explain it but the Ol’ subconscious knows, the amygdalae knows, for if one thing learned the hard fucking way its trusting what my gut is telling me, cause its my subconscious trying to say something I think I need to hear. Only just be patient. Bide time well. Be a good BoyScout, always be prepared.
And thanks, appreciate you Cptn, posting this.
God Bless us all please.