While the Perfidious Jews had the greater sin, Pilate’s sin was still horrific

Every year during Holy Week, a theme usually pops out in my mind whilst attending the Sacred Mysteries. This year, the theme is Pontius Pilate, and judging by current events, specifically these insane “anti-semitism laws” that are cropping up, this essay might be a felony by next year, so I had better get it written up and publicly visible while I still can.

As we have discussed in this space before, historical context is EVERYTHING when considering Pontius Pilate vis-a-vis Our Lord’s Passion and death. I learned this historical context from Dr. Mazza several years ago, and it has been a massively informative and illuminating bit of information. Right now, there seems to be a big push by ethnic Jews (almost all of whom today are militant atheists) to deny all responsibility for the death of Jesus Christ, to the point of trying to criminalize the very mention of it. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to make sure that the whole, unvarnished truth about the matter is spread far and wide. While both the Jews and Pontius Pilate (as a governing proxy for the Roman Empire) were both guilty of deicide, as Holy Mother Church has always taught, the guilt of the Jews was far greater than that of Pilate. Not only SHOULD the Perfidious Jews have recognized the Messiah, some of them actually did recognize Him, and killed Him anyway, exactly, precisely as prophesied throughout the Old Testament and by Our Lord Himself during His earthly ministry.



A very informative article with analogies for us today. How many current examples can be traced to misinformation redirecting our attention away from the people who are really responsible?

David DeGerolamo

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
10 months ago

“The people who are really responsible”
And the purpose was? He died for our sins, the sins of all! So what purpose does pointing fingers serve?
So when we point fingers ‘at the Jews’ or when they point at ‘the Romans’ are we also blaming God?
But Pilate was still guilty. Because “much less guilty” is still guilty. WE are called by Our Lord to “be perfect”, that is, to not succumb to coercion AT ALL. It’s not okay to fold in fear, find an easy way out, and wash your hands of the mess, being content with being merely “much less guilty.” Pontius Pilate is NOT a moral example to anyone. In fact, he is a dire warning against the temptation to succumbing to coercion.”

10 months ago

Yes, the pathological rulers desperately need to divert our attention around the clock. Mass psychosis is being implemented by pathological rulers through a 24/7 news media that works for a small sect of people that hide themselves from society. These people devour humanity. They thirst for power. They live in hell.

Lori G
Lori G
10 months ago

I killed Jesus. He died for me, for my sins. Now I live for Him.

a follower
a follower
10 months ago

He gave us this gift and now much of the world wish to slap Him in the face by returning to blood sacrifice and physical temples?