Why Are Egyptians Willing to Fight for Freedom and We Are Not?

Protesters in Egypt criticize Obama

As Obama and McCain rally behind the Muslim Brotherhood, I have to ask why are Egyptians willing to fight for freedom and we are not? What led the previous Egyptian government to ban the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt until Obama forced their return during the Arab Spring. What led our government to be usurped at all levels by Muslim infiltrators? Could it be that the Egyptians know the evil that the Muslim Brotherhood represents? Could it be that our government in DC is evil?

But here in the president’s backyard of Chicago, Morsi supporters are gathering. Why are we not out in the streets to oust our Muslim Brotherhood president? Do we have to wait for the suppression of free speech through PRISM and Bonesaw? Do we have to wait for the suspension of  Habeas Corpus through the Patriot Act and the NDAA? Do we have to wait for another whistle blower like Mr. Snowden to stand up to the government’s anti-whistle blower mandate? Do we have to wait for Eric Holder to supply illegal firearms to the Muslim Brotherhood (and al Qaeda in Syria) to remove our 2nd amendment rights?

Or do we have to just remember that we are Americans who bow to no one except the Lord? When will we stand up to tyranny are restore our God given natural laws?

David DeGerolamo

Cairo clashes kill 51 Brotherhood supporters, an officer. Army set to defend oil pipeline, Suez shipping

Egyptian soldiers opened fire early Monday, July 8, on Muslim Brotherhood supporters at the Republican Guards Club in Cairo where deposed president Mohamed Morsi is held. Fifty-one demonstrators were killed and 300 were wounded. The army, who lost an officer and seven wounded soldiers, said “armed terrorists” tried to storm the compound. Egyptian media reported that the army and police forces opened fire after a group of demonstrators tried to climb the walls of the club. According to eyewitnesses, the army raided a quiet sit-in outside the Presidential Guards Club.

While events in Cairo following the Egyptian military takeover of power were the focus of media coverage, DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the army was quietly getting set to secure the country’s primary assets – Suez Canal traffic, the oil facilities in the town of Suez, and the Sumed oil pipeline – all extremely sensitive targets.

According to intelligence reaching the military, a radical Islamist force – made up of a clandestine Muslim Brotherhood raider unit called El Giza Al Sidi, Sinai Bedouin Salafists linked to al Qaeda and the Palestinian Hamas – are conspiring to activate commando and missile units for sabotaging Suez shipping and the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

Hitting one ship transiting the canal or a single explosion at the pipeline would suffice to send world oil prices and insurance costs sky high.


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11 years ago

We’re mollified by the thought that we can vote GOP in 2014 and 16 and everything will be peachy.

Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
11 years ago

We are not starving yet.

11 years ago

We have no leaders.

11 years ago

Not enough people see their retirement accounts as being in jeopardy.

11 years ago

Revolutions do not happen when things are getting bad, not when they are bad. They happen after years of things being bad, sometimes decades, and when things start to get a little bit better,
that is the precise moment they start.
John Q looks around and says, “Hey I finally got a slice of the pie and I like it. How can I get another slice? Only way I know is to take the whole pie.”
Don’t you wonder why Obama said early on in his campaign that the thing he loves more than any thing else is eating Pie ” He had his revolution, now let’s have ours.