Once I started doing research into the founding principles of the Republic and the founding fathers, I understood that Democracy was one of the last types of government that this great experiment wanted to put in place. The above video was posted in a comment on this site linking to Bustednuckles.
We are fed propaganda relentlessly by all of our leaders and pundits that America is a democracy. Every time Tucker Carlson calls this country a democracy, I gnash my teeth. How can intelligent people supporting the Constitution and the Republic not understand the dangers of democracy? This is nothing more than brainwashing the public to accept tyranny under a fraudulent government. Unfortunately this tactic has succeeded in supplanting freedom and liberty in exchange for tyranny and the enslavement of our children. Even worse, their mantra is to install democracies across the world so that people can be “free”.
Do you feel free or do you feel the chains of democracy? If you are not convinced that democracy is evil, ask yourself why the tyrants are importing illegal aliens to vote? Democracy is mob rule and voting is a means for them to kill us. They want us dead because they do not need us. What happens when we understand that we do not need tyrants or their democracy?
David DeGerolamo
We should quit tolerating those calling for Democracy and put those folks out of their misery -- permanently.
Yes they all repeat the mantra, are children will be slaves to the globohomo democracy, yes wake up.
It just follows with my opinion that 85% of Americans are just stupid. Just ask them they’ll choose democracy over freedom.
“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.” ― George Bernard Shaw,
We are a constitutional republic. We need to remind both the the house and senate that they work for us. This is why we have electoral college so that large population states can not carry more power than the smaller populated states.
God bless the U.S.A.
Too late to remind them.
They stopped teaching government in high school! We have a Republic! Democracy is defined as 2 wolves + 1 lamb deciding what’s for dinner! The majority will always win -- who protects the minority?!
Very good explanation of the difference between A Constitutional Republic and a Democratic form of government. I wish all Americans could see it , especially young folks . Unfortunately I don’t think civics or some people call government is still taught much in schools anymore. Try to educate as many people as possible and pray for
America as I don’t see a good outcome without thee Almighty’s mercy.
I am thankful for this website for posting this type of content. God Bless
Democracy? Ha! Tyranny is more like it.
I see it getting more difficult all around in NC. I am watching what I read. I have to balance my input with finding some small bits of joy. The negativity is not going to go away. We are drowning in deep waters. Tonight, I read what bad shape our animal shelters are in. Dogs and cats with broken bones, dislocated hips, dying of 108 degree temps, euthanized quickly because NC animal shelters are overcrowded. There is pain everywhere I look.
All democracies are socialist.