Why Would the President Blackmail the Country?

Joe Biden allegedly stated that unless Congress approves more military aid for Ukraine and Israel, he will keep the southern border open for invasion. While we do not know if the Big Guy is still getting his 10%, we do know that the aid that was sent to Ukraine cannot be tracked. That is on Congress since accountability of the funding was requested by Rand Paul and it was not approved.

Imagine if Donald Trump would have made this same statement. The Democrats would have had him up on more impeachment charges and rightfully so. We will see the Republican response to this blackmail by Biden but I am not hopeful that they will do anything.

What crime is committed when an elected official blackmails the security of the nation in order to maintain the “security” of foreign countries? On the other hand, this may be an attempt to instigate civil unrest across the country for reasons we do not want to consider.

David DeGerolamo


Biden Blackmail Intensifies: Won’t Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel Funds

As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border – but only if if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and would still allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings per month.

If that bill were the law today I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly and bring a bipartisan bill that would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here,” Biden said, according to Fox News‘ Chad Pergram.


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1 year ago

Oh, yes, both sides of the fence are on fire. Both sides are trying to invoke civil unrest in this nation. And now this article:
Trump and Lindsey Graham hot to trot.
”Former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump — who ordered a strike that killed Iran’s top military official, Qasem Soleimani, in 2020 after a string of attacks from Iran — also joined the chorus.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

We have the most stupid politicians in all of mankind since Genesis I mean we gave billions to Iran just so they can build up their military power. Now we have to go fight them.

1 year ago
Reply to  kevsh

The sky is falling. The nation is bleeding out. Americans are fast asleep. The ship is sinking. The gig is up. The game is over.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Hang the traitors. Don’t need a trial, for crying out loud… these criminals need to pay for their crimes against all Americans.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That’s not going to happen until we the people humble ourselves before God and repent. First we have to fix ourselves. God is Just.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Not for nothing is VANITY -- per the movie Devil’s Advocate -- his favorite sin.

1 year ago

Typical commie negotiations….give me what I want or else. And if the spineless GOP caves and gives him what his puppet masters want they WILL renege on the deal and KEEP the border open. COUNT ON IT.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Count on it? I’d bet serious money that if the GOP folds and coughs it up, The Potato will keep it open regardless.

1 year ago

I can’t believe he finally admitted the border is open and not secured.

1 year ago

It’s not just blackmail but it is explicit admission of dereliction and wanton obstruction of federal law.

He’s admitting that border control is not just possible but possible and not being done already as is the sworn duty of the federal government, and that he could make it happen but only conditioned upon something else.

Now that is debatable, but to say as much as a means to extort public treasury for a the defense of a foreign failed state is beyond the pale.

remember when he bragged about withholding Ukraine funding in exchange for dropping the burisma investigation that was then inverted into a Trump impeachment over that phone call?

this level of clown is not going back in the bottle.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
1 year ago

“If that bill were the law today I’d shut down the border right now” Sure, and we would trust that statement why, exactly?

1 year ago

Why Would the President Blackmail the Country?

There are all the usual answers, and they could very well be spot on. And some likely are. Quite honestly, this is big brain stuff, which takes me out of the game.
Perhaps I am thinkin to much or making it more difficult than need be. (Typical for me)

But, here’s imo….

I keep getting a gnawing feeling…

We Are Missing A Puzzle Piece, perhaps pieces.

And that piece(S), isn’t in the box…it isn’t written down, isn’t stored on a drive, it isn’t spoken of plainly.

….We are Playing Right Into Something and We Are Blind to it.
…we are not seeing all the pieces in the puzzle.

Afew things I am 100% sure of.
1-Pedo Joe is just Meat, in the Seat. Period,Full Stop. As are all Presidents.
If anyone actually believes the Presidency (no matter who) is really this all powerfull one man thing…I got a bridge for sale. Has tolls and everything.

THAT, has been Proven over and over. (The Threats openly made to Trump by past and present Agency Officials and Sitting Politicians is just astounding. I have never seen or heard stuff like that in my life)
2-The Machine, is entirely to large, powerfull, convoluted and Secretive.
3-It doesn’t matter D,R,I,L. , Socialist,Communist or wack a doo. (For The Machine, we are all just some form of slave or expendable meat(someone has to build, fix, drive’em around, fight and die, project there power and violence, etc…..))
4-The Majority, if not ALL of DC is OWNED. Lock, Stock and Barrel. In some way.
Be it by Epstein type stuff, Greed for $$$ , Power, Position, Prestige or any combination.

They ALL change dramaticly once in office. If they don’t play DC’s Game by DC’s Rules, they get Run Out, Essentially Sidelined… oneway or the other or a Tragic Unforseeable Accident or Health Issue occurs.

5-Who(M) is really Driving the Rifle??? [it isn’t 1 shooter, can’t be, it’s too easy to take down one ] [and it isn’t the Dem Or Rep. Parties. Let’s face it, those idiots can’t shut up, especially on TV)

And I doubt it’s more than 2-4 Self Appointed SOB’s.

“They” must be able to get Information.
Information that is damagingly exploitable, have access to a Purse, be able to fill a purse, work unseen, unheard and Unaccountable, be able to make and backup Threats, Violence and DEATH and do it damn near without ever using the Verbage.

There are only a Handfull at best, of Agencies that are actually capable of All of the above. Perhaps backed by afew Big $$ Civi’s…just to move things along.

We Are Missing A Puzzle Piece.

…. imo.

1 year ago

By his own words the faux-pResident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has shown himself to be a criminal--and a traitor.
Were we to have a Rule of Law he would be arrested and placed in the dock for trial.


[…] Large amounts of the money cannot be tracked; […]

1 year ago

The border will never be closed. At least until the Globalists and communists have been successfully dealt with.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
1 year ago

How is that statement not grounds for impeachment? Holding the entire country hostage for his 10% kick back. Even as bad as most politicians are, this has to be a new low in immorality.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Opposition To Tyranny Is Never Safe -- by T.L. Davis If fear is keeping you from speaking out against these fascists, maybe you should seek God, fear and faith cannot reside with in, you are either in fear or full of faith. Stand up, nobody is coming to save us.

1 year ago

My cartoon on that.
