Will Russia invade…What is the truth??? Just prepare for this or anything that can harm you.

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Kind of wandered if this was all part of an exercise. Just to see how we and others would react. Feeds their information machine.

2 years ago

No invasion before the ground hardens. Think of the spring road load limits here.

2 years ago

Again, good advice! It really doesn’t matter the color or type of train coming down the tracks towards you! It might even be fun to speculate where it came from! The bottom line here, is
to get off the tracks to a safe place! To be sure getting ready for a nuclear war or an EMP, should have you covered for most other issues.

If your life depends on the system, when it crashes, you will to!
Get out of the city, get a piece of land you can live off of and focus on that! Then don’t worry about, what, who or where the shit is coming from!
One more bit of advice here, get land with some kind of private water supply, (remember the rule of three) room for a garden and timber!
Having done this, I realize how difficult it can be, yet doable
Go Galt!