A year ago progressive news outlets were calling the idea of the culture war a “right-wing conspiracy theory” that had no basis in reality. Yet, the injection of far-left politics into entertainment media had already started years previous, with noticeable propaganda efforts in movies, streaming television, children’s shows and books, even commercial advertising was replete with progressive ideological imagery by 2016 onward.
The goal is relatively obvious – To erase competing ideals and viewpoints while saturating the market with only one political vision; a woke vision. It’s called social engineering, and anyone who claims this is not happening in the US today is gaslighting.
Strangely, the American comic book industry has become a major battleground in the culture war, with heroic symbols being increasingly erased or hijacked as vehicles for woke talking points. A vast array of comic book characters are now race-swapped, converted to LGBT or they have had their histories rewritten to make them more “acceptable for modern audiences.” At the same time, they promote everything from BLM, to climate change propaganda, to gender identity politics and anti-gun messaging.
I watched them all. You watch, now the whole movie zeitgeist will be cleansed of all plots that include regular people rebelling against authority… the problem is it’s too late:)))))
Winner winner chicken dinner!
That was a comment I read: they target cartoon and marvel type characters b/c thats what kids see when they are little. Indoctrinate them to be simps, not superman, and you reap what you sow!
Ditto the groomers and drag queens targetting children!
No longer read comic books nor have my children. The Bible, technical and procedural manuals are what we read. Except for me as I read most of NC Renegade’s postings.
We just watched it last night, figures the commies don’t want that out, that people can help themselves and take out the bad guys
Got dirt and F@F time or are we credit card marvel characters?
Real trouble is near. Do you have 2-3 real trusted friends?
The final exam doesn’t grade on a curve.
my advice to anyone is stop watching any of their movies and they will go bankrupt, which they are already, the moviegoers are no longer watching their slut filth perverted movies. this satanic bunch in Hollywierd is losing billions of dollars but it’s still not enough for them to stop their garbage, so they need to bleed out all the way like Target, Anheuser Busch and the rest of the vermin corporate scum. We need to burn the entire thing down to the ground.
I like the Dolph Lundgren movie, but the best is Ray Stevenson’s, with Dominic West as ‘Jigsaw’, that is the classic Punisher movie.
I’m not a religious person?? At least I’m not so retarded that I can’t recognize Hekate’s religious symbolism, the Skull and Crossed (insert paired straight objects) bones, swords, pistons, dumb bells, ect.
Not even the crescent moon come close to the prominence, yet she stands in NY harbor since 1887. If ignorance is bliss, some of you are still in grade school.
All hail Hekate, the liminal goddess of pharmakia and witchcraft. So very few are capable of recognizing her greatness, hence her ability to do so much.
United Daughters of the Confederacy knew this a century ago, enjoy your willful ignorance while you can. I’m simply a messenger, it’s your own minds cognitive dissonance that you’re fighting. As the saying goes ‘you’re your own worst enemy’. For me, it’s making enemies of the poorly self educated.
‘No other gods before me’, huh? Ya, more willful ignorance. It doesn’t say you can’t inform yourself of what others practice, it says BEFORE and even that would be a poor translation.
I find it humorous, what words you’re not allowed to know, like liminal pharmakia, or even KEK. Bury your head in the sand at the nation’s peril, b/c I’m not spoon feeding you.