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You parents that have children of draft age between ages of 18-26, Let your children tell our corrupt leaders and military leaders to go EFF off and don’t let them sign up or be drafted. The men between the ages of 26-32 tell our corrupted leaders the same thing, go EFF yourself and send your own families to war to protect your money laundering, child trafficking and drug running operations.
Tell the Zionist and Mother-Weffers to Go Eff Themselves Im not sacrificing my Kids for their NWO Agenda and SATAN!
You are right, We must not sacrifice our children on the alter of the satanic Jew lucerferians and there wicked deeds to control every nation.
I’d add any parents if children down to probably 14 year old right now should brace for this eventuality. The machine will need ever more bodies to sacrifice, and 4 years goes by quickly. Besides, with the atrocities that globohomo is clearly capable of, don’t assume they won’t -- at some point -- start conscripting those under 18.
Their clear aim is to legalize pedophilia, and given that self evident fact, why would they have any reservations about having those under 18 killed in battle? As bad as it is now, remember we have much further to fall yet. Things that will drive good men to a murderous rage will be done out in the open, and we’ll be told that it’s all proper and legal.
There needs to be a blanket refusal to participate in any part of the system.
I don’t have 2-1/2 hours of free time to watch a video.
………and I don’t have 2 1/2 hours to listen to a fat gate keeper and an AGENCY family member……but thanks anyway……