South Carolina was first in 1860, also …


Rush Limbaugh: The American flag is next

The debate over the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina and elsewhere is not really about the banner itself, Rush Limbaugh says. And it won’t stop there, the radio host said during his show on Tuesday.

One day, he said, what is happening to the rebel flag will come to pass for the American flag, too.

To liberals, he added, the American flag “stands for the United States of America and, as such, everything that’s wrong with it.”

“The American flag has flown over a slave nation much longer than the Confederate flag did, folks. The American flag has flown over all kinds of atrocities,” Limbaugh told his listeners, calling the Confederate flag “business” an “all-out assault on what the left thinks is a last remaining enclave of solid Republican voters, and that is the South.”

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8 years ago

The next flag will be the animal entities flag which is the ISIL flag.

8 years ago

Two links with information:
Confederate flag removed from Alabama capitol
Governor orders removal of the flag: Published On: Jun 24 2015 09:55:55 AM CDT

Alabama Gov. Bentley removes Confederate flags from Capitol grounds

I don’t know what law or legal precedence
backs it up, other than the fact that Alabama’s
state government is completely
overrun by traitorous communists.

8 years ago
Reply to  cavmedic

have you noticed that it’s all republicans coming forward to do away with the flag as well as statutes of Jefferson Davis. this is the bolshevik demon-rat herd mentality and these A-Holes in the RHINO patry have once again signed onto something which they should not. this a demon-rat problem and it should be cleaned up by them. as far as I am concerned the flags and statues is part of Southern heritage and history and it should be left alone. its the same old black Marxist racists led by white trash elitists who are causing this and they have there media elite whores who air it on the news shows to a non audience of viewers.

8 years ago

It’s political correctness run amok,destroying the heritage of the south along the way.
This all started after the nutcase shot 9 people in a church in S.C. the leftists, their professional protesters and permanently outraged supporters started this garbage- what does the Confederate battle flag have to do with the nutjob shooting people in church?
Instead of just shutting up,and letting these idiots blather about nonsense-we have governors in other states removing the Confederate battle flag.
Wal-mart,Amazon,Target,and others stopped selling the flags-yet they continue to sell Communist crap like commie flags with pictures of Che Guevara on them-where’s the outrage over that?

8 years ago
Reply to  gamegetterII

I wasn’t born in the South , but it doesn’t matter I hold to the historical nature and event that took place during that time in our history, because of its great importance. I am was never a fan of Abe Lincoln, I believe what he did was tear apart the fabric of the union, because of trade distortions between the South and North. The north didn’t want the south dealing directly with the European nations for cheaper goods, thus we see that line, follow the money trail. the slavery issue was injected into the war as to sidetrack the real issues at that time, just like in our day, they deflect everything from the truth to an outright lie, and keep the narrative going for the lie. People have short memories up North, They also had slaves just as well and hated blacks and looked down on them as peons. They had a double standard then also. Look at them now, God is bringing the northern States down because of there filth and degeneracy. Screw Target, Walmart and all these other corporatist pieces of bilge scum who run these maggot infested corporations. some private enterprise will pick up the business instead, screw all of them and the garbage they peddle anyway. The South will rise from ashes and kick the crap out of these garbage bags, if not then the South will fall even further down the crap hole like the North is in now.