What Liberty Requires of YOU …

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Posted by T.L. Davis at 11:03 PM

Dishonor Government Before God

The touchy subject of criminality continues to plague the patriot community. I hate to break it to the readership that criminality is necessary to any action against a tyrannical force. There would be no United States of America without the understanding and acceptance of the fact of criminality.

At the recent Liberty Summit I heard many proposals as to how to go about re-claiming liberty. Some illegal actions were proffered and quickly and resoundingly rejected. Okay, if that was a show for the presumed DHS official presence, then fine, but if that were a true sentiment among the patriot population, we have already lost any battle to reclaim liberty.

Make no mistake, this nation was founded by treasonous, graffitiest, thieves and rogues. To pretend to any other prospect is to give in to delusion. Just look at the lives of those who signed the Declaration of Independence to understand what they were willing to sacrifice to live free.

The very statement that we pledge our “lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” had a definite meaning to them, more than to their persecutors. They would die, they would forfeit all their worldly goods and even the thing they held most dear, their sacred honor. These were not mere words to the men who knew that crossing that line, taking that step toward independence meant everything they loved, including their valued and cherished honor would be stripped from them, put on billboards (not the kind we think of) as to their treasonous acts.

Criminality? You are a criminal if you refuse the master, legitimacy is the bargain, the price to be paid by everyone involved, even them. Don’t you see? Look at it form foreign eyes. Yes, the revolutionists are the criminals, until they prevail, then the excesses and abuses of those whom they rebelled against are the criminals. It is a matter of perspective, a shifting of paradimgn if you will. To the victor go the spoils and the winner gets to write the history of the battle.

Ladies and gentlemen, the readers of these pages, understand that criminality is the only pathway to liberty. There can be no other, because every action taken to secure that valuable commodity must be refused to us by law, by the regime in control. I will hear no objections based on party affiliation or current office-holders. It is irrelevant. The government in total, controlled by whomever, is the enemy of liberty and those closest to that tyranny is the Supreme Court, who has conveniently set itself up as the arbitrar of our rights. No such body could exist in a free nation.

Our rights, as stated to us by the founders, are given by God and no other is capable, by any sort of machination of Man can take them from us. Only our inability to demand them is at question.

Where would we be if those who gathered to throw tea into Boston Harbor considered their actions illegal and refused to do it? Where would we be if those signatories to the Declaration of Independence paused and withheld their signatures because it could be considered treasonous? What is lacking in the patriot community is boldness. Be bold! Step out and take a chance. Stand up to the ususrpers of the public good to throw in their faces the legal stances they have taken to rob us of liberty.

I will not wear a seat belt, ever. I challenge law enforcement to cite me, give me the opportunity to challenge their law on Constitutional grounds. I am defiant. I will allow no jurisdiction to make decisions for me. Understand that wearing a seat belt will save your life, will reduce injury in an accident. The fact of that I do not dispute. It is simply that the government has no role in that decision. The arrogance of a government that would deny me common sense by mandating my actions ticks me off and should any liberty-loving person. Challenge it every stinking time and they would change. Be bold!

Break the law to save liberty. Embrace criminality or you are not worthy of the title patriot. Go farther than that. Make the change in your thought process. Criminality is good. To be cited is a badge of honor. Go to jail for your actions. Do something to prove that you will not tolerate their demands. Refuse to abide their illegal intrusions into your rights. They have made criminal all rights that are yours by God. To do less is to dishonor God himself. I will not.

Posted by T.L. Davis at 11:03 PM


PS – this is not difficult … those who would define you as ‘criminal’ have already made themselves IRRELEVANT !

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12 years ago

[…] Original Page: https://ncrenegade.com//editorial/what-liberty-requires-of-you/ Related Stories Did Obama Just Commit High Treason?!? BRAVE NEW WORLD 2009 You vote obama […]

Tonya Byrum
Tonya Byrum
12 years ago

Amen!! great article. shared.