2 Headed Monster


The following was from the comments at WRSA. It caused me much thought about where we actually find ourselves vs. where the majority of the “right” believe they are.

Concerned American Rhetorical question: does it matter if it is Marco Rubio or Kamala Harris coming to take your property and/or your life?You know how few people understand that point.

I call them Foxtards. People who believe the Republicans are on their side, have the interests of John Q Conservative or Bill O Ritez in their hearts. You do realize that by and large they are all the same? One party wants Liberty gone and Collectivism in place, the other side wants Liberty gone and Statism in place….both waving the flag of “correctness”.

We see it when “fudds” say “I support the 2nd amendment…but” or when “patriots” call people who take an actual honest to goodness STAND …. a bunch of idiots.

God bless Pete, his place has disseminated more Liberty information than about any place on the web, but one read through the comments will show you that “patriots” run the entire spectrum. From those who believe it is patriotic to obey to those who I would not turn my back to on a public street.

I am of the belief that political solutions to the issues that face us are a dream, and have been for a good while. Voting has bought time, but the hope for a turning of the ship from the act of casting a ballot is a fruitless wish.

DJT, I am sorry to report, is NOT playing 4D chess. He IS intelligent and I believe has done good things as well as being beset on all sides by those seeking his destruction. This should tell you, he is touching nerves in his probing of this fang. But, like so many before him, he misses the true meaning of Liberty. He has stated he is in support of “Red Flag Laws”, he turned a plastic butt stock into a machine gun and I have no doubt that with a little pressure he will sign a ban on semi-auto weapons.

I can hear the wailing already.

DJT is not our savior, he was a miraculous gift of time…that has largely been wasted by Liberty minded people who fell into the trap of complacency.

The answer is no. It does not matter if it is Little Marco or Kamala that comes to take your property or prevent your exercise of God given rights….or kill you in a midnight raid because someone said you were unstable. The solution is going to be the biggest paradigm shift in human history. We stand on the edge of a blade, precarious in our position, swaying this way and that. Nothing is certain except that there IS going to be a fight.

In the comments here the other day, a fellow said (to paraphrase) “unlike you, I haven’t given up on the USA”. I have not given up on the idea that was the USA. I have given up on this implementation of it, it is dead and regardless of your wishing it is never coming back. Something new will arise from the ashes, possibly several new things but the point is…

Stop opining for the past. Start looking and planning for the future because that is what THEY are doing. They are winning. They mobilize. They are willing to go to jail. They actually put foot to action.

Until YOU …. and I, get up and actually put feet to the key pounding, we will continue to slip down the rabbit hole.

Tick. Tock.

***Edited to add the following comment from WRSA

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a follower
a follower
6 years ago

We must shake off our fear of this world- the cause of Christ is at stake, and are we to be found sleeping? …Christ is looking at us and asking whether there is anyone left who confesses faith in him. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer