How Many Are Waking Up?

If you’ve been wondering just how many people are waking up to the fact that our civil and financial future isn’t looking good, then here are some interesting data points from Google.  In case you weren’t aware, you too can “mine” Google’s search history to see what people have been looking for.  Just go to and put in the search terms you want to see stats for.  Looking at the graphs, The “1” line on the top scale indicates the average search rate from 2004 to the present.  So, if something peaks at a “3”, then it was getting 3 times as many hits as the average at that time.  This gets a bit convoluted where much of the 2004-Present period has no data… thus you will see stats indicating that interest has grown 40 or 60 times for some search terms.  Point is, you can see the varying rates of interest for the particular terms over time, which is what we want.  The bottom scale indicates a relative quantity of hits for that search.

Below, I offer several key phrases and the amount of activity they have enjoyed at the search bar since 2004, when Google started keeping such records:

Search activity for the term "bug out"

Rate of searches for the term "survivalist"

Rate of searches for the term "buy silver"

Rate of searches for the term "buy ammo"

As you can see, these key words have experienced substantial increases in public interest since 2008.  There are many others which produce interesting results, which I won’t waste space on here.  Instead, I suggest you go and try it yourself –
Some interesting results came up for “buy gold”, “capital controls”, “prepper”, “survival food”, and “nwo”.

My conclusion is that quite a number of folks are, indeed, waking up.  How many have overcome their normalcy bias and started actively prepping is a question Google can’t answer, but plenty of folks are awake, and that is the first step.

Warmest regards,

~ Those who discard Liberty, do so at their own peril!

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