A Question To Interrupt Your Nap …

Assumption:  You carry a weapon(s) to protect yourself against assault on your person or opportunistic theft by strangers,

Part of the haul was believed to come from the robbery of a truck, similar to the highway escapades of the 18th century criminal, Dick Turpin

Question:  Why do you tolerate assault on your rights and systematic theft of your wealth by friends, neighbors, and “the less fortunate” through their surrogate called “government” ???

You don’t consent to force when confronted by the stranger.  Did you really consent to be raped by agents of your neighbors ?

I didn’t think so.  Consent was acquired through fraud.  It is void.

Why do 300 Million people tolerate the initiation of force against their person and property when it is initiated by government ?

Do we feel overwhelmed, outnumbered ?

Estimate of federal employees from 2008 data.  Source

Number of Full-Time Federal Employees – 2,518,101 Part-Time – 250,785 Full-Time State – 3,818,577 Part-Time – 1,451,002 Full-Time Local – 11,039,250 Part-Time – 3,383,976

TOTAL – 22,461,691

2008 US Population (est) – 304,059,724

% of Gov’t employees – 7.38%

Inverse – 13.536

So this means that there’s a government employee for every 13.5 people in the country.

If you assume that EVERY government employee is an armed assailant, we still outnumber them 13 : 1


Sorry to have awakened you.

You may now return to your nap.

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