A Simple Question

This drone video shows the Charlottesville car “attack” which killed one women and injured 19. Pause the video before the event and make your observations at to what these “counter protesters” were doing. The simple question is why was this illegal protest allowed to block an intersection?

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
7 years ago

I have heard more than one comment, from “our” side, pointing out how many attending the protest over the defamation and destruction of Southern heritage were wearing helmets etc.. The intimation were they were “looking for a fight.” While no one knows the motivations of every attendee and considering the last few years of “polar bear hunting”, the “knock out game”, as well as numerous previous attacks from antifa thugs etc. what were they supposed to do?

Anyone else remember comments like “punishing” enemies, not wasting a good crisis, or how about “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun?” Now, knowing the political atmosphere that is needed to remove an American hero like Robert E. Lee form recognition and understanding the elected officials prefer groups like BLM and the antifa thugs, would common sense not suggest taking precautions?

Y’all have a nice day.