Action Alert for Voter Fraud Rally

Thursday May 5 12:30 PM


Join other patriotic citizens in front of the General Assembly in Raleigh to show lawmakers and members of the “news” media how vital voter photo ID is to our freedoms. Even if you cannot attend, please pass this message along to your friends.

Learn more about North Carolina’s Voter Integrity Project.

Help Us Defend Voter Photo ID

Sadly, almost like an Army unit surrounded by the enemy, there are lots of things we can do to help stop voter fraud in North Carolina. Thankfully, our State Legislature is moving some bills along to help with this problem, but they still need the help of citizens. The best is a bill (H351/S352) to require state-issued photo ID before one is allowed to vote. 

Naturally, the screamers on the left object to this bill, calling it “too costly” and “a solution in search of a problem,” and (their favorite) “this bill would be racist.” If checking for identification is racist, then even the welfare office would be guilty, since you can’t get benefits without valid ID.
The Left even denies the existence of voter fraud in NC! Imagine that! The one-party system that has dominated NC politics for more than 100 years doesn’t see a problem with voter integrity! Or maybe this is a case of the fox being a little too content with the hen house security system. In any event, the sponsors of this bill need help from people who value freedom.

Sorry about the short notice, but your first chance to support these twin bills comes this Thursday, May 5, across from the State Legislature (14 W. Jones St) at 12:30, when we will refute the leftist attacks on these bills in front of the media and people like yourself. So spread the word and take a long lunch this Thursday so you can come on out to show your support for these bills and for our freedom!

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