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- old geezer on Two Questions
- sundancer on Martin Middle School
- Hammers Thor on Two Questions
- old geezer on Two Questions
- DRenegade on Two Questions
A while back my wife and I got sick. Ran a fever of 100+ for 2 weeks. I called Front Line Doctors about 8 days into it. It took a week for the pharmacy to call, then they did not fill the prescription. I called Front Line Doctors again. Then a week later nothing. So I called back again, again about a week for the pharmacy to call. They wanted $350 for a bottle of Ivermectin. I told them I would not pay that. Then another pharmacy called and the wanted $350 for a bottle. Again I said no. I did ask for a hard copy and Front Line Doctors would not provide one. They said I could not get it filled in Ohio. I told them Kentucky and West Virginia are about an hour away. Then still would not fill it.
Needless too say, I wasted $90 and the time on the phone with them. I cannot say I would ever call them again, let alone waste the gas on them. I am glad I really did not need the prescriptions.
I haven’t needed it, and I don’t know its effectiveness, but there are other herbal formulations for animals for treating the same things eye ver treats. Seeing all the difficulty getting eye ver, I decided to think outside the box and look for other things for treating that to have on hand. I’ve used other formulations specific to respiratory issues -- meant for dogs n cats, but also worked for me. Human friendly. Was no harm. Liquid herbal formulas. About $30, 2 oz. OnlyNaturalPet. I’m sure there are others. Maybe Mr. Stamets the mushroom guy has a similar formula, but unable to say so, if you know what I mean. We must think differently in these days.
I did not know either. Yes we have quite a few jars with herbs in them that we used.
As for the effectiveness of Ivermectin, I have talked to quite a few people that have used it and stated that it worked. These are people that have never given me reason to doubt them in any way.
The only reason I called Front Line Doctors was I ran a high fever for so long. That has never happened to me and I thought there might be something that needed attention soon. I think that was God telling me to keep away from the butchers. They do nothing but pedal death.
Of course, Thomas. No need to defend or give explanation. We all do the best we can do. Through circumstances and necessity, I’ve learned other ways to do things, and offer them whenever I think they might be helpful. We ARE all conditioned in some ways to follow our programming -- or the attempted programming -- but there are many other ways to do things, like calling F L Doctors if necessary. 😉
I am all ears to natural remedies for anything.
There are so many it can be mind boggling, so I found myself doing, which I suspect you do, too, trial and error (as far as effectiveness)…but with much less toxicity than when a med’l person does the same thing. I trust myself. So far, so good for an old chick!
large stainless steel pot, 2 quarts of water purified, 1 heaping cup of dried elderberries, 1 table spoon Ceylon cinnamon organic, 1 heaping tablespoon organic cloves, 1/8 cup sliced ginger, organic cayanne pepper a few pinches, bring to boil while stirring, after boiling turn to simmer and cover and occasional stir 1/2 hour to 3/4 of an hour. Then strain through cheese cloth or screen into container, can add sugar or honey as desired, refrigerate. Has worked really well for us and friends.
That sounds like a pretty nice sipping beverage, too. 😋. Thank you. I’ve saved -- actually will write into a notebook.
See my reply to mae bee.
Could this be frozen or canned?
We have not tried to can or freeze I do not see why not.
A lot of the old time remedies have been lost, the settlers traveling across the plains would drop silver coins in their drinking containers to keep the water sterile.
I find a lot of this works of that. But the actual receipts and how much and how often to take is very hard to find. I know Mullein tea works well for a dry cough, peppermint for bowls, ginger for stomach, pipsissewa for kidney stones, feverfew for headache, elderberry/turmeric/echinacea for cold/flu. To mention a few.
I know there are more and some good mixtures out there, I would love to find an old receipt book. We have not issues growing herbs.
That would be something I would hear in some 3rd world country, but it is happening right here. Well I don’t think any of this is going to get better any time soon.
I know…
ALL medical professionals are micromanaged and heavily regulated. The petty bureaucrats will shut these practices down in a heartbeat if they stray one millimeter from the prescribed Covid doctrine.
The pull peddlers may try to shut the clinics down because you will allow them to. Stand-up and support a free market. Do not comply with medical or political tyranny. We do not need the parasitic federal leviathan, AMA, ABA, FDA, FCC, federal reserve, FEMA, BATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, congress, supreme court of crooks or the government controlled corporate legacy media.
Who is John Galt?
You don’t get it….without .Gov approval there is NO financial reimbursement, the providers have their license to practice revoked and anyone persisting is arrested. The Fed Gov and state licensing bureaus TOTALLY control who provides healthcare and under what rules. NO EXCEPTIONS.
An armed citizen cordon around these clinics against the thug squads to shut them down might be the spark.
“Medical Autonomous Zones” as a means to resist tyranny and resurrect liberty.
How interesting that we on the “Right” must resort to the same tactics as those on the “Left” … but to achieve different outcomes.
Worth thinking about …
How to Overthrow Governments -- The Color Revolution Formula -- Final Messages Part 3 -- OFF TOPIC & MISC. -- My Militia
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Did not know that sorry.
It won’t be “thug squads”. It will be armed LEO. So you better be ready to “boogaloo” on a two way range against trained and legally sanctioned forces.
The entire medical cabal system is crumbling. It will continue to crumble although not fast enough for me! So many people are still hooked into the medical matrix and cannot or will not unplug. But it is coming!