America’s only race solution

In all things one can find a solution by referring to previous history. Sometimes the solution revolves around rather harsh remedies. For believers in the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites entered the Promised Land about 3800 years ago. A closer reading will reveal that an entire generation was forced to die before the younger Israelites could claim their promise.

A friend of mine is a Pastor of a small church/school in Florida. In conversation with him, he revealed that teaching the children was not a real problem as most were eager to learn. The majority of the kids under discussion come from lower income homes with half-siblings, no father figure, and a mother dependent upon government social services for survival. These children attend the private school because many Florida Corporations choose to donate their sales tax collection allowances fees to be used as payment of tuition for these underprivileged kids.

The problem is with the parents, many of whom completely ignore their parental responsibilities. One would think that the parents would be motivated to see their children thrive and contribute to that effort. Unfortunately when some folk receive a free gift, it is not always respected or valued. Most the parents probably don’t know or care that the money comes from the donations of mostly white business owners.

In the late 1950’s black parents escorted their children to public schools amid jeers and threats as forced integration of schools was implemented. The Ku Klux Klan was often present with their burning crosses. Anyone who thinks that this struggle was limited to the South is ignorant of history. The vast majority of civil rights leaders whose sacrifice and courage made the availability of public education a reality to black kids are no longer alive. The obvious question is, was their sacrifices in vain?

Most “persistently dangerous” schools are predominately black schools. To get into school buildings in the inner cities, one must walk-thru metal detectors, have their backpacks scanned, and are observed with security cameras. In other words, getting into an inner city public school is like going through TSA screening at an airport; still the drugs and violence persist.

Nationally the black high school graduation rate is 52%. In the inner cities the rate drops to between 20 and 25%. In Rochester, NY the rate is 9%. And a few years ago, the high school in the Florida Panhandle town in which my business is located had a graduation rate of 8%.

Black parents, politicians, race baiters, and the kids themselves have betrayed the efforts of those who experienced the civil rights struggle. There is no need for a “conversation” concerning race with white people. As long as the black community, the national media, and race pimps look the other way when young blacks commit crimes against whites and society, what is there to discuss? As long as black leaders condone disruptive school and criminal behavior in black communities, what is there to talk about? Until the black community at large indicates a desire to better itself, what is there to talk about?

Whites rarely kill blacks, but blacks’ killing whites and other blacks is commonplace. In violent interracial crimes, 83% of the victims are white and many go unreported. The saddest commentary of all is that there are members of the NAACP, CBC, et al who lived through Jim Crow, lynchings, and the like, but remain as silent as church mice in the face of black on white violent crime. For shame, for shame!

Following the Zimmerman acquittal there were many brutal attacks on whites in major U.S. cities in the name of “justice for Trayvon.” During the past few years there have been black gangs who attacked white people on beaches, shopping malls, public transportation, etc.; no provocation or excuse needed. Most of these attacks were not condemned by black leaders and were sparingly reported even though the mass media never misses an opportunity to report a white on black crime.

The only viable possibility of change with regard to race in America is to encourage education and self-reliance. As the numbers of people of character, education, and ability grows within the black community, race baiters and those dependent on the welfare system will die out – fertile grass will always choke out weeds. History has proven that only the strong of mind and spirit thrive long-term in an ever changing world, and like those ancient Israelites, the problem people will have to die out before America’s promise can be fully realized.
This change will take years and will be fought tooth and tail by the Obama surrogates, race baiters, and others within the black community. Many view poor ignorant inner city blacks as a massive pool of humanity that only represents a stockpile of Democrat voters. These parasitic opportunists are only too happy to have people live in misery, ignorance, and violence as long as they can depend on their vote.
Education, interracial marriages, and self-reliance will make those who insist on ignorance, violence, and racism for survival an endangered sub-species. The only down side is that it will require generations to facilitate the change.
Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from Murphy, NC. He can be contacted at: His articles can be read at:

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11 years ago

The sins of the father…

11 years ago

Interesting this author utilizes Isreal which protects and nutures it’s genetic heritage yet suggests White interbreed with other races. One wonders why the authors seeks to erase the handiwork of God in creating the different peoples and races rather than protecting them. Could it be he is unaware of God’s design or has he simply fallen to the communist concept of denying the races exist?