An Open Question To Law Enforcement …

When you finish your afternoon practice at the range on one of these new “desensitization” targets:

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. Markets Children, Pregnant Women Targets to Law Enforcement Community

“For less than 99 cents per target, police officers can now shoot at real-life images “designed to give [them] the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training,” according to Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.’s website.”

“The company calls it the “No More Hesitation” series”

How will you feel when you notice the civilians in the other lanes are practicing on these:

Police reconstruct the scene of the unprovoked gun attack

Just asking … enquiring minds … etc.

“Considering that the company has landed $5.5 million worth of contracts with the federal government,” Riggs notes, “it might also be interesting to know if these targets are being used by federal law enforcement agents.”

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. could not immediately be reached by phone for comment. Also, as of 8:30 p.m. ET, it appears that their website is down.

Story at The Blaze

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12 years ago


12 years ago

This is for all the cops on the range;
Some of us don’t go to the “range”. Some of us just shoot at targets, tin cans, deer targets and such. Some of will still pull the f--king trigger when we get pissed off because we’re being screw with. Some of us are old vetrans that have already pulled a trigger on someone that wanted to stop us from breathing. All of you assholes dressed in black, wear blue hats, are traitors to the USA or what ever you story is……. you a dead man just walking around looking for a place to lay down.
Do you wear a bullet proof vest on your legs and face? Don’t you realize you live in a house in a neighborhood? There are more deer hunters with shit that goes through kavlar than you understand. Do you realy think your just going to kick in all the doors and meet old ladies that you can abuse all the time? Hey, come into the country, drive by, visit, talk to us, listen to our opinion. Then go home, think about how long your survival time will be when you mess with us and then go resign.

12 years ago
Reply to  fedup

Heaven help us all if we ever have to face the ‘storm-troopers’. Hopefully we can reach enough of them with reason before they go ‘active’. Pray that they might come to a recognition of what they’re doing and stand down.

But if face them we must, I’m with Fedup. My advice? Aim for the face and the knees -- no armor there …

Tom S
11 years ago

Woodoggy fedup, but yea I’m right there with ya. Live in the woods myself, many of us are of the opinion that necks,armpits and groin shots are all effective targets when shooting ah…paper targets of course. Talk about sensitivity, wouldn’t want to upset those in black B.D.U.s suffering from emotional disorders. Ya know there’s alot of em, disorders that is.


[…] I “hesitate” to make any recommendation on actions, but I have previously reported that LEO are being instructed AND conditioned NOT to hesitate.  (prior story on NCRenegade) […]


[…] An Open Question To Law Enforcement … […]