Another Drone Crashes Near Tyndall AFB

tyndale-drone-crash-071713(  For the second time in a week, a Drone has been destroyed at Tyndall Air Force Base.

The latest crash came Wednesday morning around 8:25 when the drone crashed alongside US 98 in the Silver Flag area on the east side of the base.

Eye witnesses say the QF 4 drone crashed while taking off, exploded and sent up a large black cloud.

Base and local police and safety officials have closed Highway 98 and are anticipating that it will remain closed for up to 24 hours. This closure is being done strictly as a precautionary measure due to fires resulting from the crash and a small self-destruct charge carried on board the drone. The status of this device is unknown however, it is powered by a short-life battery which will be fully depleted in 24 hours.

The charge is used to destroy the drone if it leaves its pre-approved flight plan.

Motorist traveling from Panama City to Mexico Beach, should use Hwy. 22 east to Hwy. 71 south, and from Mexico Beach to Panama City Hwy. 71 north to Hwy. 22 west.

The last drone crash was last Wednesday morning when Tyndall destroyed a drone over the Gulf of Mexico south of Cape San Blas in Gulf County..

This crash was seen by vacationers on Cape San Blas.

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