Another “Leftie” Initiative on Shared Purpose Network

Get ready to defend against an organized effort to increase the debt ceiling …

Thank you for your presence on the Shared Purpose network, and for your interest in the Coffee Party. As you probably know, the Coffee Party Transition Team is busy developing some wonderful new possibilities for the future, and here on SharedPurpose.Net, we are delighted to continue our affiliation and support for this wonderful and idealistic political initiative.


Today on Shared Purpose, we are announcing a new project to our Plenary Network, concerned with the recommendation of the Simpson-Bowles Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

We are working with our long-term member Lynne Monds, from Santa Barbara, who is creating a network intended to advocate directly for the adoption of the Simpson-Bowles recommendations. As Lynne sees our situation today, a failure to raise the debt ceiling, and a corresponding failure to meet our debt obligations, can trigger a national and international crisis. Lynne is reaching out through our Shared Purpose system, looking for a core group of dedicated activists who feel this calling, and know that it’s up to all of us to help insure that this crisis does not occur.

We’re planning a serious campaign of political organizing, and we’d love to hear from you.

Please click here to join our action and discussion group:

Follow the collectivists and their antics at SharedPurpose

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13 years ago

Went visiting the “sharedpurpose” site. I found this within an e-mail exchange there:

“Thanks, Bill, for responding so quickly. Titusville Coffee Party decided to go ahead with a modest version right at our meeting spot- Caffe Chocolat. I was hoping to get a larger venue in Orlando if someone from there had been interested.

BTW, I don’t use CPUSA anymore because I googled it and got the Communist Party!”

Oh the irony….