Another Tragic Boating Accident …

Tragic: Every Single Bump Stock In Nation Suddenly Lost In Boating Accident

1-2 minutes

U.S.—In a rash of tragedies all across the United States, every single bump stock in the nation was tragically lost in various boating accidents earlier this week.

Coincidentally, the bump stocks have just been banned by the Trump administration. Since all the bump stocks have been destroyed, it’s now impossible for the ATF to confiscate them or fine people who did not destroy them.

“Well, I guess our job is done,” an ATF representative said. “We were gonna have to make sure people complied with this unilateral executive order, but now I guess we can just harrass gun owners for other stuff. Worked out pretty nicely for all of us, I think.”

It’s not clear why gun owners were taking their bump stocks boating. Some have theorized they were using them to fish, or just wanted to make sure they weren’t stolen why they were away. Whatever the case, it’s tragic that the bump stocks are now all at the bottom of lakes, rivers, and oceans from coast to coast.

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6 years ago

Another self serving Statute passed by self serving individuals. Nothing has changed since the revolution of this country. The king and his men are still whizzing in our mess kits. When will people standup and say enough? Just asking!

6 years ago

Two items of good news arrived in my RSS feed after I posted this …

(1) Legal challenge to the bump-stock ban
“Gun Owners of America today filed its lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s illegal and unconstitutional bump stock ban. GOA’s action came on the same day the administration published the regulations in the Federal Register. Already, gun control advocates have become very dispirited. Senator Dianne Feinstein lamented that the lawsuit by Gun Owners of America would keep the bump stock ban “tied up in court for years.”

(2) Amicus brief to challenge to the federal ban on interstate handgun sales and clarify how lower courts should review Second Amendment challenges.
“Some major lower court cases have used the Two-part Test to treat the Second Amendment as a second-class right. They defy Heller by using a rational basis test for laws against law-abiding firearms owners and gun stores. They allow the government to prevail on thin or conclusory evidence.”
Text of the Amicus Brief: