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Doctor Martin Luther King and dozens of other ordinary and devoted citizens sacrificed their lives during the civil rights movement to overcome segregation – if they could see what is happening with the black community today – they would not rest peacefully.

There was recent resignations at the University of Missouri over what we were led to believe was a horrible environment of racism at that school. One might well conclude, based on the headlines in media publications, that the school and by extension, America, was in the troughs of a racial backlash against blacks. But, if the USA Today news service is to be believed (and who wouldn’t?), there was only two racial incidents and only one verifiable at the University of Missouri:

  1. In September some hillbillies in a pickup truck were alleged to have yelled a racial epitaph at the Student Government President who is black. Since he had previously lied about the KKK being on campus his claim is dubious at best.
  2. In October a drunken white student uttered a racial slur towards members of a black student organization.

The first claim cannot be substantiated – but, as to white privilege, Mr. Burns’ father is quite wealthy (multi-millionaire wealthy) – so this kid would be an authority on the subject of privilege. As to the second claim; kids of all colors often say stupid things when they are cold sober, let alone when they are knee walking drunk. The drunken kid was expelled.

That’s it – two seemingly unrelated incidents in two months – neither of which is earthshaking in significance. One can go to a convenience store in most areas where there is a predominately black population and hear the same epithets being flung back and forth between blacks.

There was an alleged third incident at the school involving a swastika that was supposedly drawn in feces being discovered in a dormitory bathroom. What that has to do with racism against blacks is unclear—I have no personal knowledge of the Nazis marching blacks to death chambers, so I don’t know why blacks have their undies in a wad over that bit of stupidity. Also, with thousands of camera phones on the campus – why has no photo of the poo graffiti, if it ever existed, emerged on social media?

We have reached a point in this country where real racism is rare, so those who need placating must, in most cases, invent something to replace the problem that previously existed on a widespread scale. In identifying any racial slight or comment, no matter how isolated or trivial, as earthshaking actually minimizes the efforts what have been made in race relations and is much akin to Chicken Little screaming that the sky was falling.

Actually, other than admittance to once segregated schools, not that much regarding segregation has changed in fifty years – and the attitude or actions of the white population has had little to do with this situation. The Black Lives Matter movement, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Miss Black USA pageant, and other such organizations were not developed to increase understanding and tolerance between ethnic groups – they were invented to foment hatred and divisiveness, establish a black voting bloc based on skin color, or develop a smaller playing field in order to compete successfully.

America is very near a critical point in our history. We have a situation in which the tail is successfully wagging the dog – and the utter stupidity of political correctness and fear of a racial backlash is driving this idiocy. With all the problems which are obvious in America, we are seeing people forced out of their jobs, a college sports team refusing to take the field, and a United States president supporting people for maligning an educational institution because of one verifiable, and perhaps two rather benign and insignificant racial incidents.

Has the United States reached a point where all the free stuff, low expectations, and coddling of blacks has produced people who are so fragile that they have to point to micro-aggression as their only argument that they are threatened by white racism?

And what is the liberal solution to this non-existent situation? Provide segregated areas for black students so that they do not feel threatened! Get real, people – have we gotten to this low point in America that we are willing to revert back to the 1960s?

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

I am not so sure Martin Luther King was that much of a saint. He was absolutely surrounded by communist. The prime example is Jesse Jackson. The FBI told King that he was surrounded by communists and King did nothing.

If I had to guess what his motives where. I would say that he knew there was no good outcome in a violent uprising. So lets spread the movement built on love and throw Christ in with it to bring in the whites. Once it started rolling, lets make the blacks think that they where the worst treated people in this country. Let make them believe that they where owed something from all the whites. Lets get them hooked on free handouts and drugs. Then build them up with anger and hate. All this with the help of the government, so one day they would have a mob to use as they see fit.

It seems to me that this is the outcome of his movements. Almost all his leadership turned out to be like Jesse Jackson. You cannot tell me a man can be that blind to have hung around that likes for so long. You are a reflection of the company you keep.

I am 44 and was never alive at the when King was. But my whole life I have seem the outcome of the movement he started.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

well I was alive when he was shot, and Martin Luther King was a communist thug and khazarian jew backed. none of his writings were really his, the Jews wrote many of his articles, he was to stupid to even formulate sentences let along long paragraphs. the anti Christian New York Kikes backed him and used his race as bait to destroy our heritage . If you take a look at his home picture on line you will notice he a had painting on his wall of Gandhi the pagan from India. now, what man of God would hang such a painting inside there home of a pagan heathen being a man of God, you be the judge. King was a fraud and all who followed him were also.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Amen Tom, King was a sexual deviant charlatan who was willing to knowingly and willingly put women and children in harm’s way hoping for trouble so he could get air time.

As for the legacy we have now dumbed down our schools, children and society to what amounts to third world status all the while refusing to acknowledge the handiwork of God in creating and separating the nations. Sticking one’s head squarely up the rear of those who espouse the communist invention of “racism” will never have anyone’s best interest in mind, just their own warped sense of superiority.

And wouldn’t it be nice to see a column about the 30,000+ rapes of White women at the hands of blacks? How about the fact while less than 13% of the population blacks account for roughly 50% of all crimes. I mean where were the pundits when I, my friends, and my wife who lived in yankeeland, were being attacked on a regular basis by blacks after forced integration?

It seems political correctness, cowardice, and/or a combination of “White guilt” prevent just about all those who call themselves “conservative” from addressing the reality of race in our country. One is left to speculate the rusluts if our founders had displayed such tentative sentiments in 1776 and if we and our children will survive continuing it.