Because it works

When someone once asked the infamous gangster, John Dillinger, why he robbed banks, he responded, “Because that is where the money is!” If one asked the Clintons why they lie, presuming for a moment that they had the capacity to tell the truth, they would say, “Because it works!”

If we look at the Clintons, from the time that they entered the political arena until today, their method of operation has been to lie, deny, and blame the mess they created on someone else. This scheme has gotten them out of one scrape after another for more years than I care to remember. This is a fact of life: if a big lie is repeated often and loud enough, many people will believe it. And the lies that the Clintons tell fall into that category—they have what I would describe as an “alcoholic personality” because they lie so professionally and convincingly, they come across as believable—even when you know they are lying, you are almost persuaded because they are so accomplished at the lying game.

The amazing thing about the Clintons is that they brazenly do the same thing over and over! And why not—they have beaten the odds every time. In January of 1998, the then President Clinton called Betty Currie, his personal secretary to the White House and asked her, “We [Monica and I] were never alone, right?” Ms. Currie was provided legal representation by a prestigious and expensive law firm and who knows what enticement was offered by the Clintons for Ms. Currie’s memory to suddenly fade. Now Bryan Pagliano, the State Department employee who set up the private server, has pleaded the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, follows the same pattern. Interestingly, he has also been provided with prestigious and expensive legal representation. I wonder who could possibly be paying the thousands of dollars in legal fees? We may never know, but, because Hillary thinks wiping the server means cleaning it with a linen cloth, there is a strong possibility that Mr. Pagliano did the wiping (deleting) of the emails that Hillary wanted to be kept secret. If anything of an official nature was scrubbed, that would be a crime—thus his invoking of the Fifth Amendment.

In 1993, after the death of Vince Foster, his files mysteriously disappeared from his office thereby negating any possibility of tying the Clintons to any nefarious shenanigans. In 1994 Hillary’s Rose law firm’s billing records relating to the 1980s Whitewater Development bankruptcy mysteriously disappeared. Then a year later the records just as mysteriously reappeared after being thoroughly sanitized of any evidence which could link Hillary to the people involved in the fraud. Now Hillary’s private email server has been sanitized of all incriminating or embarrassing information.

Now we are learning of a series of lies and deceptions:

● First Ms. Clinton said that she only used one email device—we later learn she used at least two.
● She stated that she was so busy that she didn’t think about which server she should use. If she didn’t think about it, she would have used the State Department server which was provided!
● Then she said that she had used the deleted emails to email husband Bill who doesn’t use email!
● She claimed that she knew what information was classified and never sent or received classified emails—then the CIA informed us that indeed Ms. Clinton did receive top secret emails on her server.
● Finally Ms. Clinton apologized for her poor judgement, not because she was truly sorry, but because she had been caught manipulating the truth and needed to try and stop the firestorm.

Ms. Clinton, to my memory, has never accomplished anything of note. Unless removing $190,000.00 worth of White House trinkets can be construed as an accomplishment. But, the GAO forced her to return the items, so the theft wasn’t really an accomplishment. As a senator from New York, she sponsored no legislation of importance. As Secretary of State she never successfully sponsored a summit meeting, a treaty, an accord or anything else of note. But she did log a lot of frequent flyer miles! In 1995-96, Hillary’s chum John Huang was appointed to the DNC and raised large illegal campaign donations from foreign sources. And while Hillary was flying around the world, the Clinton Foundation was taking in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments. Same game, different players.

The voters always get the government they deserve. If Lady Clinton is elected, America will have given the presidency to the most despicable individual, with regard to honesty and personal integrity, since the man she would replace in the White House.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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9 years ago

Forget the Clintons and their lies…what about the Obamas they have no clue as to the truth…