Beyond reparations

Reparations are used as a grievance-based wedge issue to gain traction for folks who have no interest in attaining education or displaying any motivation to achieve something in life. Actually, reparations are little more than a distraction, designed to deflect the focus from the problem and make people who have no horse in the race – the solution.

The greatest tragedy in all this on-going race-based strategy is its overwhelming effect on young blacks. These youths are fertile soil for planting the message that all their problems are caused by white people —and that the white majority is always going to deny them an opportunity to achieve. In short, the Jacksons, Sharptons, and other lesser-known race hustlers are priming black youths to resent and hate people that they have never met and who have never done them any harm.

Teaching people, who live in less than desirable circumstances, to hate is child’s play. We all have the ingrained desire to blame some outside influence for our shortcomings —the stronger of us refuse to succumb to that temptation, and the weaker yield to its appeal.

Episodes of young blacks’ randomly beating whites —simply because they had the misfortune to be at the wrong place at the right time, occur repeatedly. Normally, law enforcement and the media reassure us that the beatings have nothing to do with race. This type of dishonest approach to reporting an ever-growing problem is commonplace— even in the face of obvious racial attacks. Officials in various cities are obviously attempting to keep a lid on this kindling racial war. Even when attacks are punctuated by shouts of anti-white rhetoric and exhibit joy at the carnage, the racial makeup of the attackers and victims is typically ignored or downplayed.

The problem is that no amount of sugar-coating can alter the facts —America’s cities are becoming tinderboxes of hatred and violence. Masking the underlying cause of the violence may keep the majority of people uninformed but it does nothing to alter the facts —black violence against non-threatening whites is on the rise. A lid cannot be kept on the truth forever!

The blind and dishonest political correctness of America’s media and governmental officials on racial issues will eventually completely erode the confidence of Americans in those institutions. Once that confidence is lost —a breeding ground for a white backlash against the black population will explode. The last thing that America needs is a race war! In racial wars nobody wins and everyone loses. Politicians realize that a race war is a real possibility and attempt to mollify the black community with various social programs. However, the anger persists.

The first step in fixing a problem is admitting that there is a problem. The white liberal establishment is loath to admit to a problem regarding racism in America —most conservatives merely attempt to ignore the implications of race. And some black activists keep the embers of racism smoldering because it is in their self-serving interest. Imagine the likes of Reverends Sharpton, Jackson, and others being required to rely on their devotion to the cloth for their opulent lifestyles. Better to rub salt in old wounds than use their claimed vocation to aid in the healing of racial strife.

It would require the wisdom of Solomon to intercede positively in America’s racial conflict. One would think that having a multiracial individual in the White House would help heal the divisiveness —but one could argue that the exact opposite has occurred. Supporters of the Obama Administration have used bigotry as a wedge to suggest that any disagreement with the first black president is racially motivated. A president who was promoted as a healing balm to bridge the racial divide in America has turned out to be more of an antagonist towards that goal. Just like the race hucksters, this president has allowed personal ambitions to overrule the greater good.
Some will deny that a race war is inevitable —some passengers probably continued to believe the Titanic was not sinking when it was already vertical in the water.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from Murphy, NC. He can be contacted at:

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11 years ago

“this president has allowed personal ambitions to overrule the greater good.”

You see that a lot in Africa, too.