Can You Trust The Outcome of the General Election?

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) Around 10,000 deceased people were recently found on Virginia’s voter rolls by the State Board of Elections.

Local registrars are now working to cancel those voters from the list of registered voters, according to the SBE. There’s no indication of any voter fraud, but the SBE also said it can’t rule the possibility out.

The deceased names were identified by the SBE by cross-referencing 15 million records in the National Technical Information Services master death file with the current list of registered voters in Virginia.

45 million more records are still being analyzed to see how many other deceased individuals may still be on the voter rolls.

“Virginia is committed to ensuring only eligible voters are registered to vote. The State Board of Elections’ efforts in utilizing the death master file has yielded significant results with the identification of over 10,000 deceased individuals contained in the voter rolls,” said Secretary of the State Board of Elections Don Palmer. “Virginia will continue to work to ensure those deceased or ineligible to vote are removed timely from the voter rolls.”

Most of the names discovered pre-date 2009, when the SBE began searching voter rolls against monthly updates from NTIS. Prior to 2009, there wasn’t as systematic a process in place to remove names of the deceased. In many case, notification from family was required. As a result, people who had died as far back as the 1930s were discovered in this search, according to the SBE.

Please note above that “most of the 10,000 deceased who were registered to vote passed away before 2009″…in other words, before the November 2008 presidential election.  But hey, what’s a few thousand votes in each of a few key cities around the country, such as Richmond?

As I have stated before, regardless of the announced outcome of the general election in November, we are going to have trouble – there is too much fraud and corruption in motion on the electoral playing field, the stakes are too high, and there are too many among the lunatic fringe who have been whipped into a frenzy with baseless and divisive rhetoric – they will choose to go to a “street referendum” of mayhem and violence, if they don’t get the outcome they want, regardless of any issues of legitimacy (valid or otherwise).  Bear witness now to the allegations of “discrimination against minority voters” and “voter disenfranchisement” on the one hand, and the allegations already made regarding “more voters casting ballots than are living residents” in certain hotly contested counties during the last mid-term elections.  We are in for a doosie, folks.  No way around it.

Regardless of who is declared “winner”, this election won’t solve anything.  But it will likely be the perfect excuse to start something.  All things considered, I’m not afraid to call the risk as I see it – I expect the SEIU, Southern Training Center, Leadership Center/Alliance for Justice, and other ACORN spawn to crack open their warehouses full of war material and distribute it to the OWS losers and union goons they have been conspiring with since they were driven underground when their election fraud, corruption, and manipulation were revealed… scumbags like that don’t just go away – they will just re-incorporate, come up with a new set of lies, and continue doing the EVIL that they do.

But hey, hunting season is coming – and there is nothing to take your mind off of skyrocketing unemployment, rampant inflation, and Stupid Pompous Lying Criminals like a trusty gun, a box of slugs, and a well-baited field where *you* have the authority to cull the herd… and a good culling is long overdue.


~Those who abuse Liberty, do so at their own peril!

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