Co-mingling of powers, overstepping the Bill of Rights

It has come to my attention that Sheriffs, executive branch, are writing to Legislatures as a means of petitioning their grievances with a bill striking down civil asset forfeiture. Sheriffs are first, and foremost, paid to uphold the federal and state Constitutions. This includes making sure all public offices are properly filled. Upon swearing in they have a duty to enforce, and abide by, the restrictions outlined by the Bill of Rights. Protections against delegated authority We the People, as the governed, have a natural right to engage. Agents of the state act on its behalf, and therefore are subject to the restrictions written in the Bill of Rights.

The BAR has granted peace officers, including many of their own members, qualified immunity. Yet, they avoid addressing the fact those state agents are NOT protected by the Bill of Rights. Giving them both immunity and rights would place them above the civilian. Qualified immunity is a BAR policy, not an act legislation. The BAR likes to claim it’s ‘settled case law’, which is sophistry for ‘because we say so’. This is clearly not a separation of powers, as the Judiciary has obfuscated the Legislature. A list of legislative power usurpation being passed off as BAR policy cannot be overstated.

Too much is never enough, as these members of the executive and judicial branches believe they are afforded a right to influence the passage of legislation in their favor. The entitlement of elected officials to have a personal grievance against We the People apparently has no limits. The lack of decorum, to ‘stay in their lane’, by our ‘civil’ servants has made the civilian into common chattel for profit. There is a valid purpose to separating the powers, and those who hold the reins of power reign with power. If you haven’t noticed, the legal system has become a means to suppress manual labor cost, which includes open boarders. We the People expect governance for our prosperity and well being, yet we get a government of belligerence and mind control. Some people wonder why the intelligent don’t have children, but who would be so insane as to subject their offspring to such tyranny?

Any suggestions on what can be done to resolve the cognitive dissonance of these public officials?

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1 year ago

Tyranny is Essential for Our Demoncrazy….or
“Try A Tranny”, if you prefer.
What’s the difference? Comrades ??? Degradation is Degradation.