Cohen Testimony

As I drove from Pensacola to Tallahassee, Florida, I listened to Mister Cohen’s testimony regarding the alleged services he provided to Mr. Trump. The U.S. House of Representatives sat in session for the first time on April 1, 1789. Only once in the subsequent 230 years has an individual, who has been convicted of lying to congress been called to testify again. You guessed it that would be Mr. Cohen.

The Democrats have been touting the allegation that Trump somehow colluded with Russia leading up to the presidential election. Congressional hearings have been devoted to proving that allegation. They haven’t. Mr. Mueller has invested millions of taxpayer dollars in an effort to prove the allegation. He didn’t.

Since all the Democrats have is their complete hatred for Trump they have to keep chipping away on the collusion theory. It’s all they have. Granted, Trump isn’t a sweetheart of a guy. He is a product of the rough and tumble major construction industry in New York City. His biggest crime is that he isn’t Obama. He doesn’t bow to dictators or apologize for our successes. For that matter he isn’t Bush, 41 or 43. When someone or some entity hits Trump he hits back. Typically he hits harder on the counterpunch. Trump wages Twitter wars, says things he often shouldn’t say, and can be rude and crude. As many people love him as hate him. And for the same reason, he is a fighter. A no holds barred, piss on Marquis of Queensberry rules, brawler.

Politicians in general hate him because he doesn’t prevaricate, doesn’t claim tartan as his favorite color, and doesn’t apologize for saying what he thinks. Trump is an abnormality in the political world. And the run-of-the-mill politician simply doesn’t know how to understand or deal with Trump. Perhaps that’s why forty-four Republicans went back home during the mid-term elections.

As I listened to Cohen’s testimony I heard at least a few new lies. He said that he had never expressed any desire to work in the White House. Court Proper’s indicated he stated otherwise in previous testimony. He said he had contact with foreign agents. His Proper said otherwise. He said that Trump had no interest in winning the 2016 presidential election. Shortly thereafter he said Trump would do anything to get elected. One would think that, given that some of the Democrats are lawyers, they wouldn’t ask Cohen a question when they didn’t already know the answer. But they did. Some of Cohen’s follow-on comments did more to exonerate Trump than to indict him.

Some of the questions that Congresswoman Speir asked were the unsubstantiated stuff of tabloids. She wanted to know if Cohen had seen the video of Trump striking The First Lady in an elevator. Cohen said he hadn’t and didn’t believe Trump would do that. The next question alluded to the tabloid claim that Trump had fathered a love child. Thankfully she stopped short of suggesting Trump had sex with a Martian. The congresswoman lowered herself to a common distributor of salacious gossip. Such is the Democrats unbridled hatred of all things Trump.

Don’t misunderstand the motive of these hearings. This had nothing to do with revealing that Trump has violated any federal statute. The goal is drag him through the mud and hope that some sticks. Most people, now that the economy is improving, are working. If you’re working, you can’t watch cable TV all day long. ABC, CBS, NBC, and liberal cable channels will cherry pick some sound bites that were unflattering to Trump and only air them. That will be all most people hear and see.

The lies, distortions, and misrepresentation of facts exposed during the hearing will never see the light of day on the evening news, 24 hours liberal cable news, or liberal print media.

Finally Cohen made a closing statement which was merely a lecture regarding the conduct of Trump. I was left wondering how a man, who has been convicted of a federal tax felony, lying to congress, and other misdeeds, would have the gall to lecture anyone on anything regarding ethics or morals. I suspect most of the written statement, testimony, and closing lecture was choreographed by Lanny Davis. I wonder if the Dems understand the meaning of backlash?

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer in Welaka, Florida.

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