Compound taxation

Back in the 90’s, went to the ABC store and noticed there was no sales tax. Asked the clerk who said ‘The state and federal alcohol taxes are in the price.’ Skip ahead to post 2k and all of a sudden a sale tax was added. Not a drinker so not effected, yet this is an unmistakable form of compound taxation. In addition to paying fed/state alcohol tax, now the state receives a sales tax on the fed/state tax itself.

Why should a non-drinker care? Well this sets a precedent, will gasoline be the next ‘additional sales tax’ to be harvested in NC? We’ve yet to say anything for two decades, don’t be surprised what members of the BAR are capable of doing without our consent.

And it’s already a part of the system. We are expected to keep up with all receipts from personal purchases, if we expect to deduct those sales taxes from state/fed income tax returns. Yes, income and sale tax is another form of compound taxation, which is CLAIMED to have remedy. But we all know in practice it’s insincere. Another issue that’s NMP, just throwing it out there to see if anyone is even aware of this pattern. Another sanctioned by the victim government scheme, out of complacency.

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1 year ago

I tried to make a list of all of the taxes I was paying when I was living on $22K a year. It was a LONG list.
When we take over the county commissions, the state boards, etc. Taxation is the #1 topic for me. When we return all this money to our pockets, we’ll be able to survive and fight a whole lot better…

1 year ago

Why do we still have ABC stores? We have all kinds of gambling passing thru but we still have Govt run liquor. This is WRONG. No elected official in the state will try to change it. Just proves they are all crooked. Look how much more revenue they could get if people bought liquor here instead of going across the border and getting it way cheaper and more selection plus we would not have to have govt employees working in the stores.

1 year ago
Reply to  magrit

Compare alcohol to legal recreational marijuana, whether you approve or not….
Private stores. LOTS of jobs offered to the community. I hear selections are great.
HOWEVER when checking out , the price is rounded upward in some fashion- like 3-4 dollars which supposedly has to do with using debit cards? Then comes the state tax and a “RECREATION” tax ((??? it’s legal there right?)) Then there is county tax and city tax. But they say you do get that 3-4 dollars back in cash during the transaction. ( Marijuana sales can not legally be banked in the USA currently- this is a cash business ya’ll.)
It’s a good guess to say its taxed at 10% or a bit more.
With all these taxes the National Debt could be taken care of in one year.

1 year ago

This is a good point, thank you for posting it!
Along the same line, in states where Social Security income is taxed, aren’t people paying additional tax on income which has already been taxed once?