I worked for the company that invented the Klystron. While ostensibly used for detailed mapping of rocket fuel(looking for bubbles or gaps), or precise xray scanning, it also has “other” applications.
The MIC is well aware of the potential uses of this tech. It most certainly has been deployed as a weapon.
1 year ago
Is there a way to protect yourself from this? Or at least reduce its effect?
Pure defense, convex. Know the source, concave can destroy like running a home MO w/o anything inside (overload). Yet heat becomes a factor, different materials reflect certain freq better. Cobalt should be very high for both. Can be cooled by water evaporation. Have to fit behind it, and things behind you can reflect. Get behind a mound of dirt.
Will pass through organic material, esp w/o water.
Lead, and concrete. When we beamed on a Klystron Accelerator, it was inside an 18 inch thick concrete and lead lined vault. We had radiation detectors placed all around the vault outside, and they were still picking up readings. The vault would have to stay closed for 24 hours after beam on, because every single thing inside became activated.
1 year ago
China and the CCP has been waging asymmetrical warfare against the US for more than three decades. They are ramping up capabilities and will go fully kinetic in the near future.
1 year ago
I bet this same device is being used to take down those expensive F35 junk aircraft too. We have some to mysteriously malfunction and crash.
I worked for the company that invented the Klystron. While ostensibly used for detailed mapping of rocket fuel(looking for bubbles or gaps), or precise xray scanning, it also has “other” applications.
The MIC is well aware of the potential uses of this tech. It most certainly has been deployed as a weapon.
Is there a way to protect yourself from this? Or at least reduce its effect?
Pure defense, convex. Know the source, concave can destroy like running a home MO w/o anything inside (overload). Yet heat becomes a factor, different materials reflect certain freq better. Cobalt should be very high for both. Can be cooled by water evaporation. Have to fit behind it, and things behind you can reflect. Get behind a mound of dirt.
Will pass through organic material, esp w/o water.
Lead, and concrete. When we beamed on a Klystron Accelerator, it was inside an 18 inch thick concrete and lead lined vault. We had radiation detectors placed all around the vault outside, and they were still picking up readings. The vault would have to stay closed for 24 hours after beam on, because every single thing inside became activated.
China and the CCP has been waging asymmetrical warfare against the US for more than three decades. They are ramping up capabilities and will go fully kinetic in the near future.
I bet this same device is being used to take down those expensive F35 junk aircraft too. We have some to mysteriously malfunction and crash.