From YouTube:
This 10-minute, animated segment by America’s Remedy introduces an outside-the-box plan for bringing back our sovereign states, and returning the federal government to its limited role.
From YouTube:
This 10-minute, animated segment by America’s Remedy introduces an outside-the-box plan for bringing back our sovereign states, and returning the federal government to its limited role.
No matter how peaceful the efforts; now matter how judicious and responsible the people; they will be set back and assailed -- first by social deprication and political disenfranchisement, then by corrupt acts of the judiciary and legislative bodies, then by the police under color of law, and lastly by gross force of arms under the command of an absolutely corrupt centralized tyranical government. This is not speculation; it is a fact of history, played out over and over again.
At some point, those who are determined to stand for freedom will begin to do more than “set brush fires in the minds of men”; they will, by degrees, first resist, and then become active against the increasingly tyrannical government. They must, eventually, engage in absolute revolt, for the more they stand fast in their beliefs, the greater the pressure shall be applied against them by the unscrupulous minority seeking to consolidate their unwholesome power. This too is a fact of history, borne out in our nation’s history, and in that of many others. What distinguishes these United States is that we *won* our struggle against tyranny, and established a free and just nation, whereas most did not. But even this fact is but a point in time, and the enemies of liberty are the embodiment of a timesless evil, which has risen in fresh garb to deceive and subjugate us, and our progeny; which has, and always has had as it’s highest goal and greatest aspiration the ultimate and unbounded subjugation of all humanity, throughout all subsequent time.
The time has come to undertake that struggle again, to tirelessly resist tyranny regardless the cost, for the alternative is that we shall sacrifice all that is good under heaven, in exchange for nothing more than a comfortable place in Satan’s waiting room.
Psalm 24
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein,
for he has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.
Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
And who shall stand in his holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to what is false
and does not swear deceitfully.
He will receive blessing from the Lord
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek the face of the God of Jacob
I, for one, would rather die a martyr, than live as a slave under the authority of a satanic government. Josiah found the way, and so shall we -- Seize the priests of Baal, and pound the graven images they worship to dust, and burn their bones upon their altars, and then break down the altars and scatter the stones such that they may never be rebuilt.
Looking closely at the aforementioned video, it is indeed a resistance which is being promoted, and in fact said disenfranchisement has already happened, and we have long forgotten it. The time for standing has been upon us for a good while now. My creation of this video and others like it are my attempts to inform and potentially wake those who may be able to assist in such a fight. I believe, that to do right, in the face of opposition, is in fact revolting (a refusal to acknowledge) against authority which can now be realized as a nullity in law. The history of such increases in corruption and control by a usurping power cannot be understated. However, God’s faithfulness to those who hold to that which is right should also be considered.
This is not only an exercise in the legal side of things, but it is a way for us to resist without anarchy. I believe that even a Christian, being in this world, should have a system by which we choose to govern ourselves, and perhaps to establish for those who would not share our motivation for self-government. The original system set up was not perfect, nor will any man-made system of governance ever be; however, it is certainly an excellent template on which to re-establish.
Time will tell if the abuses will grow so heavy as to cause the people to take this attitude of resistance; to draw the proverbial “line in the sand”. But regardless of what I believe will happen, I’ll continue to do the work, and will pray that God’s will be done.