Deviciveness, Deception, and Pervasive Inaction

In going about the blogosphere these last few days, I am rather put off at the number of commentators who are speaking ill of the group who has settled themselves in to act in protest at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.armchair

How many actually understand the facts, not the least of which being that both the Bundy’s and the Hammonds have been agregiously abused, for years on end, by a federal agency (BLM) which doesn’t even have Constitutional authority for it’s existence.

In addition to exhibiting a profound failure to comprehend the facts in the matter, these heaviliy opinionated individuals are accusing the group at Malheur with every manner of imagined offense – everything from being “agents provacateur” for the regime, to malfeasance in planning and preparing this action, to being suicidal glory-seekers who care not for the “harm” they will cause the Liberty Movement.

And yet, I can assert with a reasonable level of confidence that, most of those chiding the Malheur group the loudest are also those who have never, and likely will never leave the porch, regardless of how onnerous and abusive the tyranny of an unchained Fed.Gov becomes.

Yes. I’m calling them a bunch of blowhards, naysayers, and bullshitters.
And further, I’m making the accusation that most of them are far more concerned with their perceived “prominence” in the on-line Liberty Community, than they are with actually defending liberty.  And in some cases, they are intentionally ‘pissing in the pool’ to sow discord, distrust, and enflame the everpresent parochial rivalries between the followers and supporters of various online forums.  This calumny in which they engage, is as worthy of hanging as that of the leftists who aspire to our destruction.  For what does it matter, whether destruction come from within or without; it still must be answered the same…

I’ve published a lot of commentary, here and elsewhere, because I beleived it was important to educate, to share information, and yes even to rile folks up and urge them to shake off their lethargy and take up the burdens of defending our liberty and our way of life. But the fact is, that I’ve done more in meat-space than I have online, to contribute to liberty’s preservation.  Those who know me personally will attest to that, without question.

In truth I beleive that, absent my real efforts in the real world to be prepared, and to assist others in doing the same, I would not be justified in making many of the statements which I have online. It’s a moral precept which I’ve held my entire adult life, that a persons words are never more trustworthy than their actions. And what, exactly, does that say about the people in the III Community who have never gone out and done anything? Of what value are their opinions?

In all seriousness, ask yourself – aside from banging on a keyboard, what have you **done** for liberty? Because liberty’s continued existence is not dependent upon how many words you’ve written on a blog, nor how many hits your page receives each month. What it **IS** dependent upon is real men, taking action in the real world. Real risks have to be faced, and real work has to be done. So, man up and do at least a bit of it.  Otherwise, liberty is a fad which has passed; a bit of stale history fit to join the Edsel and the Sharps rifle in the annals of history.

Time is short.  Whether any of us “likes” the situation at the Malheur compound, it is *REAL*.  And it will have consequences.  But those consequences were coming anyway.  It’s been years now in which the only remaining question (at least in my mind) has been the particulars of the event which will ignite the comming conflict – and who are we, to question those particulars when finally they arrive?  Therefore, attempting to assign blame to the men at Malheur is pointless, and detrimental to our cause, when our efforts should be directed forward, planning and preparing for the *next* even in the Liberty Games, not armchair quarterbacking that which is already done.

As I have elsewhere stated recently, it’s about momentum.  The team that can’t maintain momentum and cohesion, looses.  Period.  So let the men at Malheur do what they’re doing, and be grateful that they have contributed somethign real to the effort.  Meanwhile, be looking for a way that you can contribute something real and substantial…

Otherwise, you’re just another among a wide field of blowhards, naysayers, and bullshitters – a group whose support and allegiance I have no interest in preserving

…because half of nothing, ist still NOTHING.

Et nunc, recedere.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Hear! Hear!

9 years ago

You feel so strongly that this is the right thing to do to help liberty, why aren’t you there “LT” ?
Act on your convictions man.

9 years ago

thank you LT