Eurozone Crash Announced

When the music stops…

While from ZeroHedge, we learn that Italy is on the verge of a counter-revolution:

As predicted in our overnight summary piece titled, “Sentiment Shaken By Concerns Of Political Circus Returning To Italy,” Europe appears set to be gripped by yet another political crisis, this time by the country that most forgot in 2012, with the attention focusing primarily on Spain and Greece. The reason is what some may call Berlusconi’s revenge, who after being eliminated by the ECB in November 2011 when Draghi sent Italian bond spreads soaring, and made Berlusconi’s departure a condition to returning normalcy in exchange for planting yet another Goldman tentacle in Italy, Mario Monti, has now shaken the credibility of his successor by having his party PDL abstain from a vote of confidence in favor of Monti’s growth measures. The result, as Il Giornale reported moments ago, is that the “the government is increasingly hanging by a thread“. It continues: ‘Now Prime Minister Mario Monti is likely to no longer have the numbers in parliament. The majority creaks.” Is this the end of the technocratic quiet in the austerity regimes? And if the people have said Basta to Goldman and its appointees, does this open the door wide for the likes of Berlusconi to retake the power and force Goldman to scramble to regain status quo “normalcy” for another several months just as every sell side firm has bet the ranch on a global renaissance in 2013?

The Full Financial Monte Is Coming, indeed!

~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to death!

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