Fear and propaganda

There are twin 800-pound gorillas dictating race relations in the United States: Fear and propaganda – not necessarily in that order. Everyone with at least a room temperature IQ knows that the race baiters/hustlers/pimps ramp up the rhetoric and then the media dictates the conversation regarding race in America. The politicians and business owners consistently kowtow to the race baiters’ ridiculous demands and the propaganda.

Racism is one of the most lucrative businesses in America. Two reverends: Sharpton and Jackson, have become fantastically wealthy peddling hatred, mistrust, and thus sowing discontent. Of late, Sharpton has made his way into the White House and has new-found credibility because of the President embracing his (Sharpton’s) brand and race baiting.

America elected a mulatto, with little if any qualifications to become the President of the United States. Part of the selling points for this young man was that he was going to heal the racial divide in our country. Fifty-five percent of blacks and sixty-five percent of whites feel that racial animus is worse now than when Mr. Obama first took office. Where Sharpton uses an “in your face” type of racism, Mr. Obama uses a subtle form of racism to further his agendas and insulate himself from criticism. Every time that Mr. Obama has interjected himself into a racial incident he has only made the situation worse by opining either before he had the facts or placing his subtle bias against whites on display.

On the propaganda side, the protection and shielding of the progressive mindset is entrenched. Some shielding is simply explained by progressive leanings and some are clearly nepotistic influences.

• ABC News Executive Producer Ian Cameron is married to Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice.
• ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
• ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
• ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood.
• CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor.
• CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides who is now back a Morgan Stanley.
• NBC Senior political editor Mark Murray is married to Assistant to Transportation Secretary Sasha Johnson.

Our “free press” is hardly free because it is controlled by socialist thinking and connections to the Obama Administration. News is typically withheld or shaped to fit the narrative that supports the current administration’s goals and ambitions.

Unfortunately there is little that we as Americans can do about the lack of balance of reporting displayed by the press – other than ignore the outlets that carry water for the progressive line of thought. I read Pravda.ru on occasion and actually find it often has a more balanced and informative approach to Russia’s news than our own alphabet news conglomerates has to our news.

There is a lot that American individuals and business can do with regard to Sharpton and other race hustlers. A good start is for the next business that Sharpton attempts to intimidate to simply tell him to “take an aeronautical intercourse with a revolving perforated pastry.” The reality is that Sharpton only has influence with the underclass and/or government dole group within the black community and they have little if any impact on any businesses’ bottom line anyway – so why the reason for panic?

In 1996 Jesse Jackson called for a boycott of Texaco – the company settled by coughing up $176 million – $35 million of which went to “develop diversity and sensitivity” training. The vast majority of blacks lives in the inner cities and don’t even purchase gasoline products, so the impact would have been less than a fraction of one percent of sales. But they caved. And so it goes until just one major company takes a principled stand and then other companies will follow suit and the threats of sit-ins, boycotts, and the like will evaporate.

The Sharptons of this world only have influence because it is gifted to them. When America rejects them for what they are, that gift goes away. If one wants to have a discussion regarding race in America, why not turn to those who might actually be able to influence change like: Senators Scott or Booker, or media personality Herman Cain, or Supreme Court member Clarence Thomas, or physician/activist Benjamin Carson, or author/economist Thomas Sowell, to name but a few. The obvious answer is that they do not display the victim mentality mindset and are therefore rejected by the majority of blacks who possess little education or prospects. The problem is that both successful white and black Americans care little for the underclass – so poor blacks are left to the parasites, and the underclass whites are completely ignored.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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10 years ago

“Racism is one of the most lucrative businesses in America. Two reverends: Sharpton and Jackson, have become fantastically wealthy”
Well, hate to defend these two slimebags, but they represent a group oh so willing to jump on the bandwagon. The ‘perpetually aggrieved’ are never happy, always wanting more, and the least responsible demographic in the nation. The incarceration rate & illegitimacy rates are clear indicators of their total lack of foresight (seemingly cant see more than 5 minutes into the future) & an inate inability to postpone or delay gratification.