Focus 3

I am certainly not trying to point fingers at anyone, if anything I am simply awakened to the fact that there isn’t a right and left, there are not 2 parties nor am I supposed to give my life in support of any political “side”.

The truth is that it is all, every bit of it, designed to enslave us. Its purpose is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while we slip deeper into Sodom every day.

I’ve read the end.

The only “side” that wins, is Him.

We have a responsibility to our friends and family to keep them safe and I believe we have a duty to fight evil and resist it. These are good things and scripture is full of people who put faith in God and in doing so He grants victory over their enemies.

Who is our enemy?

It isn’t just Chuck and Nancy. It is also DJT. It is also our understanding of the state. It is our focus on the show that is America.

It is our failure of comprehension that God is SOVEREIGN.

No one is coming from this earth to set it right. We are focused on the wrong things.

What have you done this week, that will reverberate through eternity?

Can you hear Him speak? Or are you hypnotized by political theater?

Get your mind right.

Tick Tock.

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5 years ago

You show a lot of ignorance bashing Trump. You need to get off the never-trump-wagon already.
I have to laugh at all you never trumpers. Have you ever met the guy? Do you know who he really is?
No, you don’t.
Most of us voted for him because he is a businessman. It gave us hope that we would have someone with common sense put in the position to run the most powerful business in the world. And yes, the government needs to be regarded as and run like a business. So far, he’s done an incredible job trying to right the broken ship, specifically renegotiating our lopsided trade agreements with every foreign entity we do business with.
His accomplishments are numerous, too numerous to list in one comment, but you can read about them if you look. Try here as a start:
He promised to stop the flow of illegals across the southern border, and has tried, but guess what? Almost the entire Congress has tried to stop his efforts to do so. Is that his fault? No. He has the establishment and media sabotaging everything he tries to do.
I find it confusing, as someone who moved here from a foreign socialist country, why people always bash the President for not doing A,B or C, when that is exactly how our government was designed to work. You bash him, not Congress, for not stopping the flow of illegals across our borders. If he was able to declare martial law and deploy forces on the border without congressional approval, we would effectively be living under a dictatorship. I remember your terse comments when Obama started bombing Libya a few years ago, so enough with the double standard.
It’s time you all got your heads out of your asses and started actually supporting the one guy who has given us a chance to fix things. And get on your state representatives and senators. Do something instead of sitting around whining.
I know the debt is blah blah blah, we all know the problems we have and the likelihood it will all come crashing down at any minute, but to blame the one person who is actually trying to fix things in government is disingenuous and dangerous.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  Ned2

i will also, give an answer, as i am sure you would accuse me also as bashing Trump.
He is our nation’s president, and yet we should be able to discuss his flaws. This does not mean we are “never Trumpers.”
The Government needs to be run as a business? Does it? Is that what we hired them for?
How about “The church” was it also to be “Run as a Business?”
We hired and or elected them to be good stewards of our money,among other things.
Are they, or is it the same kabuki theatre on rinse and repeat?
lawless seems to be pointing out that Trump “worshipers” are missing some Key information.

5 years ago
Reply to  a follower

What information do I appear to be missing?
I read as much as I can about what’s going on in our country and the world on a daily basis and I’m not a Trump worshiper. He should be held accountable in regards to his job performance.
If the missing information is doom and gloom conjecture or pie in the sky prophecy, I ignore both. I try not to believe anything without at least three verifiable sources. So much of what we are fed for news is complete unsubstantiated drivel.
He has flaws? He’s a human being like all of us. What’s your point? Is it constructive to sit around criticizing people because they’re not perfect? No. Should we all hang around for the “perfect” candidate before voting?
If we’d done that last election, we’d be living under the Hillary dictatorship right now. Would you be happier with that?
And yes, if churches, government, any public body is run as a business it becomes less of a burden on those of us supporting it, which means we all pay less and keep more of our earnings. What’s wrong with that?
We run our families as businesses. We budget, plan for the future, educate our kids etc etc. We hired politicians for exactly that purpose.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  Ned2

i do not believe either one were to become as business, nor incorporated. Seems like this just gives aid into becoming, money exchangers etc.
There is so much corruption within both it is not funny.
And why is Hillary and company still free?
As far as being criticizing, it also is not helpful to ignore or gloss over the flaws and the many problems. We should feel a need to confront them head on and expose all, on both sides.
Many of us can see, when they are just telling us what they think we want to here!
Now it would be nice to do this without all the hatred and the name calling that seems to be associated in these things. Even the subtle jabs and jockeying for “position” are seen and understood.
As lawless has replied below, our point of view greatly changes when we become more aware of the spirits behind the scenes. i have been led to a point that i pray for those who are quite simply being used. And i will tell you it is a good (better) spot to be. Some of my hate is going away.
And yes i still am flawed and struggle daily.

5 years ago

Ned you miss the idea my friend. Everything that pulls us away from focusing on God and His love is the enemy of man. Depending on and expecting any mere man to set our paths straight is a false god and a dead end.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:12-16‬ ‭