For Your Consideration …

“Victims of Government” Day

“If I were inclined to celebrate Memorial Day, I would include ALL victims of government. Not only soldiers who died fighting for government, but everyone who has died as a consequence of ‘The Most Dangerous Superstition.’

“Waco, Ruby Ridge, Wounded Knee, those who became “collateral damage” [sic] in every war, victims of the War on Politically Incorrect Drugs, victims of “welfare”, victims of the war against gun owners, and victims of the IRS. There are victims of government healthcare rationing, too. The list is practically endless if you keep thinking about it.

“Government, or the belief in government, is deadly

“If this day is to serve as a memorial to some of those victims, I’ll choose to remember the rest as well.”

SOURCE: Kent McManigal, “Hooligan Libertarian”

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1 year ago

Remember all the victims, well said. I found myself wondering what my grandfathers generation (GI of WW2) would think of east this empire has become and the part they played in it. Did the wrong side win? What about the War of Northern Aggression, again did the wrong side win? The evil empire? Even more recently, what about all those who died as a result of the neocon boondoggle in Iraq and Shitholistan? Fighting for freedom or US hegemony for the benefit of the worst AmeriKa has to offer? It certainly is a solemn holiday.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Well said!

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

As you said, there are many examples of “the wrong side” winning …
A quote from “Malcolm Reynolds in the series “Firefly”:

may have been on the losing side.png
Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Our government does not care about the endless count of dead for themselves. They account it to patriotism, and continue on collecting our tax dollars for their own pocket books. So in many respects we are paying for the deaths. Regardless of Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Gulf conflicts, of the many minor conflicts, people like Lindsey Graham continue to beat the drums for the death of US citizens. It is time to stop the wasteful killing of citizens.

Last edited 1 year ago by Louis Jenkins
old dog
old dog
1 year ago

I don’t often respond to comments in blogs much any longer but, this individual has hit the nail squarely on the head. I feel for the first time in human history we are, as a world, headed into the most dangerous time of our existence. There are individuals among us that want only to control and dominate. They are sadistic, narcissistic & very possibly psychopathic in their desire to control the world and all that is in it. I can only hope that the greater human population realizes who these individuals are and brings them “all” to justice. If we don’t then it is very possible the human race may go extinct as so many other species have. I get a very strong feeling that the human race is, as we speak, being judged.

Last edited 1 year ago by old dog
1 year ago

In memory of my uncle Eugene who fought in the Korean War and was captured by the Koreans. He spent one year in a concentration camp. Eugene came home a broken man. Memory Eternal. 🇺🇸☦️

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

As a college kid I rented a room from a Korean war vet and his ret. Coast Guard wife. Awesome family. They both taught me a lot. He would never talk about his war experience, but he kept in shape and taught me to do the same. I still wash my truck regularly because he used to keep everything neat.
I WISH all of the veterans I met along the way would have explained WHY they went to war. What were they told was the justification for putting them in harms way on such a massive scale? I can’t think of a single conflict that would have impacted my personal freedom in any way.
Military service members have my respect for sure… BUT, I want them to come home. I want them out of these ridiculous conflicts that are utterly meaningless in a moral sense, and designed to profit the MIIC, the despots and their organizations at the top.
According to month old intelligence community leaks to Seymour Hersh…, in the Ukraine, Putin is collecting our tax dollars from Zelensky who is using them to skim and buy diesel fuel. Zelensky is reported to have skimmed $400 million in 2022 alone. Another leak was that US weaponry is being sold by Zelensky on the Dark Web. Crickets in the US Congress.
Putin organizes all of his conflicts this way. Murdered journalist Anna Politkovskaya detailed the same type of operation in the Georgia- Ingushetia-Chechan conflicts.
Once the occupation begins, Putin’s gangs (and in this case Zelensky’s gangs were already at it) shake down the local government officials every week for money. If they don’t pay, they get dead or their kids are sold into sex slavery… so they go to their families and extended networks to get money to pay the extortionist gangs. That makes the money flow out of the citizenry and into the mafiya government really fast.
And our federal government helps them do it…

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

If you think Putin’s gangs and Zelenski’s gangs are interesting.

Wait until our own government uses feral gangs from South America to be tax collectors, just like they collect taxes in Venezuela for the socialist government.

Pray for wisdom and act on it. Real trouble is near.

1 year ago

Some additional food for thought, iatrogenocide. The corruption between the government and big pharma and medicine in general, usually results in a couple of hundred thousands of deaths per year.

There is currently no cure for cancer. The treatments, if the studies can be believed offer generally only a few months of tortured survival at best.
Catching it early, is a myth, resulting in endless worthless testing at unbelievable cost; often causing more cancer!

C- 19 should show us all the medical industry at large and big government cannot be trusted, this is the opinion of many silenced doctors.

1 year ago

This country needs to break up. It’s too big and has too many ill-equipped people to maintain a democracy or a republic (which have essentially the same meaning). It seems best that the gist of all revolutionary endeavors go towards establishing new living arrangements in accordance with precepts important to each locale for the purposes of commerce and artistic development and expression. America is already an established gulag, it’s just that many of the walls aren’t overtly visible yet. The problem is that if people couldn’t manage with the Constitution up to now, they won’t be able to after war time hostilities, except perhaps briefly and sparsely so. It would likely be much more workable than what exists now, providing the possibility for new outlooks in terms of the fields of medicine, food, and with regards to economic transactions.

1 year ago

Our present government, is only sad that they were not able to cull more people all over the planet with the poison shots and boosters- so they will proceed with whatever wicked plans they have -- one plan seems to be to get this nation nuked!
I am a veteran -- as as I looked at several videos I received this morning about Memorial Day, I grieved at the incredible number of Americans who have died in the military in the past 106 yrs since we entered WWI. I actually resent that all these men and women died -- the motives of government are never pure. The loss of so much humanity is more than I can bare to think about! I am a Vietnam ERA veteran, I entered the USAF so as to not go as a ground pounder to Vietnam I became a Russian Linguist and then got out 4 yrs later.
I do grieve for all you my brothers and sisters! May the mercy of God be with you all forever!


1 year ago

That was fantastic. I am inspired.
I will help re-invent Memorial Day to be meaningful and not just some stuck on stupid parade of thanking our veterans for fighting in corporate resource wars that had absolutely NOTHING to do with our personal or Constitutional freedom.

1 year ago

This is how much your government thinks of those of you who have served:
All charges were dropped against #JasonHayden who filmed himself beating 75-year-old Army Veteran Norman Bledsoe. Mr. Bledsoe died weeks after the assault.

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
1 year ago

I would add this one thing to your conclusion: It is man made Government, or the belief in man made government that is deadly. YHWH’s government is the perfect Law of Liberty (James 1:25)
Irrespective of professing Christian beliefs, the ONLY government of earth is YHWH’s Ten Commandments as defined in the first five books of Moses and reiterated by the Prophets of Israel. YHWH’s Law has not been “done away” or “nailed to the cross”. People who are in denial of this will get a rude awakening, and it may be soon.
When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees with the question about which was the greatest commandment of the Law, Jesus had a ready answer:
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 22:38 This is the first [first -- Strong’s 4413 foremost in importance] and great commandment.
The First and Greatest Commandment of the Law is found at Deuteronomy 6:4-5, and how God proves us to see if we are obeying the First and Greatest Commandment, and that we really love Him with all our heart and with all our soul is found at Deuteronomy 13:1-18.
The “gods” spoken of in Deuteronomy 13:1-18 are political chiefs… as in promoting or executing some other form of government than the one YHWH decreed.
gods [gods -- Strong’s 352 political chiefs; Brown-Driver-Briggs H430 rulers, judges]; *[highest governmental authorities]
We have sinned a great sin by desiring other rulers over us when God was our king, and we continue to sin by refusing to obey the first and greatest commandment of the Law at Deuteronomy 13:1-18.