Have you noticed that NCRenegade.com is running/loading faster than in the past? This site has been hosted by GoDaddy since its inception because we had used them in the past for our company’s site. I have read about the company’s bias in the past but did not follow through to see if it was impacting this site. After complaining for several years about the slow speed, I spent extra money to upgrade the hosting to a better server on Godaddy. Or so I thought
What I found out in this process:
- GoDaddy had loaded up my accounts with charges for extras over the years that was costing me several hundred dollars.
- My sites were being hosted on crowded servers that severely impacted performance.
- After 4 technical support calls, NCRenegade was showing CADD Graphics. CADD Graphics was down. The migration of WordPress for NCRenegade at a cost of $95 was not happening. I strongly suspect that the content of this site was the reason.
- God works in mysterious ways which I will detail in a separate post.
I apologize for the downtime and appreciated the messages, emails and phone calls expressing concern for me and the site.
David DeGerolamo
[…] Details. […]
Not trying to be nosy, just honestly do not have a clue. Aprox. how much cost is entailed for a sight such as NC Renegade or WRSA?
Good to have you back.
Appalachian Messenger was costing me over $10,000 a year. Plus about 12 hours a week. NCRenegade costs about $25 a month for hosting plus about 15 hours a week of my time. Community Center to rebuild a future for our children: over $400,000 and everything extra that I can scrounge up.
Thanks David, $25.oo a month is not bad. And yes our time, is worth much also.
Good to see your back up
Good to see it back.
Welcome Back!
Looking to see back soon!
Like what you do.
I am a monthly patron to SRSROCCO and Investment Research Dynamics as the info they purview is worthwhile. I am amenable to select 10 liberty aligned blogs and send $10 monthly to each. What would happen if all of us did this for our personal ten favs?
is there any chance, the blogs . liberty and lead2 or dead recononing, will be coming back or over to here?
I don’t know if they are coming back. I do know that the remaining avenues of information from freedom sites have to consider “hardening” their sites. We need to check the hosting platforms’ policies and regularly back the sites up.
I appreciate your asking about me. I perhaps would post on another site if there were enough interest. I honestly got tired of all of the infighting and circle shoots. I honestly do not know how Pete does it, putting up with it all.
I can set you up as an author here if you want me to.
I have some projects that some readers would probably interested in.
I updated my best email in the comment info, send me a message and let’s see if I can put out a piece or 2 you’d like David.
Check out Brighteon, & FreeZoxee!
In the meantime, hardcopy and binder everything you deem as vital.
Welcome back! I appreciate all your hard work -- keep it up!
Welcome back!
thank you for the services you provide.
finding some of these blogs is like like finding a unicorn.
i’m pretty sure some of these great writers use more than 1 name
and more than1 site. to publish under
wish you guys would bury a po box # some where on the side banner.
where we could drop a lincoln occasionally.
times are tough for alot of us right now.