Gun Violence, and the sophistry of poor grammar

I’ve yet to find a dictionary where the word ‘gun’ is an adverb, to my knowledge it’s always been a noun. Yet find a court of record that won’t accept the phrase, out of willful ignorance. One form of weapons confiscation is the ‘Violence Against Women, Act’, put forth by then Senator Biden. How often have we heard ‘Men are Violent’? Yet we never hear about ‘Women are Malicious’. So often the bureaucrats use ‘defense of women’ as a preface for defense of themselves.

Let’s start with Violence, the use of, or a threat to use, overwhelming force. Civilized society condemns acts of violence, unless of course it’s the state using the force. It happens everyday by agents of the state, EVERY DAY. Whether it’s a sociopath cop on the beat, a judge sitting on a raised bench, a BAR member defending a liar, a town clerk enFORCEing policy, legislatrix or a bureaucrat writing BATF felony rules, it’s all an overwhelming use of force for their convenience. Apparently every Sheriff in office believes they work for the BAR, as bailiffs. ‘Shut up or I’ll hold you in contempt’, and the brown shirt will do what he’s told, as following orders are nothing more than a favor card to be played later, against the people. YET VIOLENCE IS NOT A LEGAL STANDARD FOR CONVICTION. But you know what is….?

MALICE, is the legal standard for which a person must be convicted of a crime. And who are the most malicious in society, the effeminate. Why would this be true, you might ask. Because women, and beta males (many of whom are BAR members), are not capable of violence without resorting to a higher power/authority (ie government). So they use character assassination as a primary means of getting the judiciary to use it’s legalized monopoly on violence as their weapon (tool or implement of war) of choice. And the ‘white knights’ will rush to their aid, to gain the merits they so richly deserve <sar>, a sense of accomplishment as addictive as crack cocaine. They want to be seen as the moral authority of society, above the common grunt they are arresting from causing harm to their community. Blowing smoke up their own asses in the name of suppressing violence, all the while ignoring that women (and beta males) have been repeatedly proven to be twice as malicious. It doesn’t get more sanctimonious. And god forbid they have to suffer repercussions for their unlawful actions of aiding and abetting a breach of their fiduciary duty. So they take the time to make sure it’s all done legal like, and create ‘check the box and fill in the blank’ affidavit forms (so the plaintiff can be well informed of all their legal options). Technically this is a form of Leading the Witness, and a way to turn the screws a little harder (take your children, house, pets, ANY property that can be considered militant in nature). ALL to make you subjugated to the plaintiff/courts/BAR/police, and everyone of them love to remind you of the fact they’re your superior, because you ‘have the potential to be violent’. And it all starts with the quintessential standard of the witch trial, ExParte court of record proceedings. A female can take the stand wearing as much make-up as she wants, even if it’s a fake black eye (Pandora’s Pithos). What will the black robe wearing bench sitter say if she’s later proven to have committed perjury? “We are required to take them at their word on their testimony.” And even if they attempt to convict the plaintiff after the fact, it’s a Misdemeanor. (This is one reason so many fat, ugly, foreign women claim Julio beat them, yet he can’t be found. Instant green card, and plenty of victim benies. ‘Soros’ makes sure they know how to play the game)

This is only the beginning, and only applies to those in a physical relationship or a family member (which can be even worse, as they will dig up your childhood AND THE COURTS WILL GO ALONG). Think your ex-wife is off the table, think again, I knew two men who had nothing to do with their exes for decades. One was a former officer who got a heads up, had his son grab his guns. Turned in his old service revolver. The other’s ex was senile, and the court accepted the explanation (in their 70’s). Had to move her into a convalescent home shortly after(she had ‘social workers’ as motivation). While the state statute says all property is to be returned, the state BAR has been kind enough to create a ‘fill in the blank’ motion to return your weapons. Too bad it doesn’t include the return of high value metals, as that’s against their bureaucratic policy. And if you have any high value exotics, a deputy will have made sure they’re on the black market, confident the ‘incumbent’ won’t report stolen firearms (they make sure to get at least one magazine). File a motion for the return of all your property, that’s OK, they don’t have to accept (you can pay $200 for the appeal, a few hundred more having the transcript typed up, but in the end you will eventually realize it’s cheaper to upgrade than to continue wasting time and money on the BAR). This all assumes you didn’t capitulate to doubling your chances of solving all your problems at once.

What does the future hold? Well it is a civil court proceeding, so there is title transfer of you house, financial compensation, extended or even permanent restraining orders on the table. You name it, if they can’t get it in a criminal court, where they have to abide by due process supply an attorney and acknowledge your natural right against self incrimination, they will create an extortion policy to keep you subjugated in civil proceedings. You are a male, it’s your duty to provide for women (and the government/BAR). The BAR is a commerce syndicate of professional sophist, they are well aware of how to make a little innuendo go a long way. Have doubts Deut 19:15 will stand in their way, it hasn’t so far.

In conclusion, to all the complacent POS out there who allow this misandry to continue, here is some Fredrick Niechzte. ‘We often hear “Gentlemen prefer blonds”, yet we never hear “but they marry brunettes.” In the same vain we hear “Love your enemy”, yet we never hear “Hate your friends.” ie lull your enemies to ignorance, chastise your friends’ indifference. Hope you get the firsthand experience, you’ll never forget it.

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Hope this week end to get caught up with several very interesting and needed articles on Renegade.
Hope some of you are also following(link below) His show Friday along with Jimmy at Bright Insight should be very informative.

1 year ago

Lawfare, why I keep harping about loose lips on the internet.

If they can screw around a rich ex-president of the USA what’s your chances?

At least David knows he likes cookies sent to jail, he’s honest about it.

Why do they destroy the family? Because betrayal is the MO of Marxists. Strong families are a threat to them.

How do they target problems? By getting folks own family to report them as in “See something, Say something”.

Ask Rittenhouse about how your internet postings can show up and be used in court if the kangaroos need them.

1 year ago

Killing in the Name of God
I am going to listen to this sermon today. Just found it.

1 year ago

They might get away with it for a little while, but in the End comes judgment read what God says in Isaiah 10:1,2 That first word “WOE” is a curse on whomever does these things. And God don’t mess around !

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“In conclusion, to all the complacent POS out there who allow this misandry to continue, here is some Fredrick Niechzte. ‘We often hear “Gentlemen prefer blonds”, yet we never hear “but they marry brunettes.” In the same vein we hear “Love your enemy”, yet we never hear “Hate your friends.” ie lull your enemies to ignorance, chastise your friends’ indifference. Hope you get the firsthand experience, you’ll never forget it.”
We have missed the mark along the way.
Proverbs 27:5-6
You can trust a friend who corrects you, but kisses from an enemy are nothing but lies.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.