How Hyper-Inflation May Begin

The time for doubt is long passed, and the event which will change the world is now very near.  The exorbitant spending of the present administration has sealed the fate of the US economy, and thus that of the world’s economy.  The collapse of 2008 was our last warning, yet none in the halls of power took heed.  Rather, they seized the opportunity of our financial crisis to undertake a terminal course of action – engaging in gross abuses of printing and spending money which had no backing, and which could only magnify the underlying problem and accelerate the collapse of the global financial system.  The only choice we have now is in how we prepare to deal with what must come next.

No one wants this to happen, save for a few very well connected and power hungry demons at the very top of the economic pile – most of the folks reading this already know who they are.  But the fact that we are unhappy about what is coming is not a license to put our heads in the sand.  Pull your head out, stand up straight, take an honest look around, and get prepared.  If not for yourself, then for those you love, those you respect.  Otherwise, you will become a substantial burden upon those you care about, forcing them to choose between various ugly alternatives.

We are now at the point where, if you are not preparing to be part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.  Didn’t you learn from hurricane Katrina?  Aren’t you aware of the failures of the government *right now* with their response to hurricane Sandy?  If it isn’t obvious to you that our government will not  “save you” when trouble comes, that *every* government will be powerless when this massive event comes to pass, then you are not paying attention.

Our government is not even preparing to try to serve and protect the American public in this coming time of crisis.  They are not even warning us that these events are coming – they do not want us prepared.  Instead, our government has stocked up on arms and ammunition, plus food and other supplies for those within their centralized power system, whose purpose is to secure and maintain their own positions of authority and power OVER us.   They want us weak and vulnerable, such that we will have no choice but to beg for assistance and thus capitulate to their demands to disarm and submit.  They are preparing to demand the surrender of the American people, plain and simple.


~Those who abuse Liberty, do so at their own peril!

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