How to Use RestoringHistory.US

The following is a simple guide to finding supplemental resources that you can use to enrich your study of history textbooks.

Step 1: View a history textbook series and click a volume in the series

In the first phase of this site, the only textbook series supported will be The Story of the WorldCurrently, only Volume 1 is supported, but the other volumes will be added in the future — and more resources will be added for Volume 1.

Step 2: View the list of chapters in the textbook and click a chapter


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David Forward
11 years ago

Unfortunately, I believe that we are well beyond “restoring” America. The America that we grew up in, the America that was a beacon of liberty and equality before the law, where anyone, regardless of status at birth or (legal) immigration could work hard to build and realize their dream is gone.

I will always fondly remember that America, but it is corrupted and destroyed beyond repair. Now all we have to look forward to is rebuilding a new America based on the same ideals and liberty for all.

11 years ago

Sadly, I have to agree with D. Forward. It’s gone.
However, we still homeschool our children with this book series. But it is not enough to simply educate our own, when the ignorant masses are (mis)educated with Core Knowledge. A whole dependent, ignorant generation is being birthed at this moment, and numbers are everything.