If We Went to War Tomorrow, Here’s What I Know –

It seems I’ve been wearing my soldier’s boots again… apparently I’m an incorrigible volunteer.  Now, I may not be the most able when it comes to soldiering these days, but I know a bit more than I did when I was 18 and volunteered that first time around:

I know that fitness is as much an element of mind as of body; that faith and willpower are the most essential weapons any of us may possess; and that a bit of hope overcomes much weariness. 

I know that we must be humble but not silent; meek but not fearful; and confident but not brazen.  We must be honorable, for that is the root of trust;  and we must be bold, for only the bold succeed in trying times.

I also know that we must be as wise as serpents if we are to overcome serpents; but that we must not wax proud, lest we become the wicked whom God hates. 

We rise to a call beyond the hearing of the wicked; be not amazed therefore, that they cannot comprehend our calling, and think us mad. This is His grace, for those who look to it.

We rise above our limitations, to love of neighbor and country; whilst they sink into hate and depravity, unconstrained by modesty or wisdom.  This is His blessing, for those who believe.

And I know that, in the end, we will fertilize our fields with the bones of the wicked, for they have compounded wrath unto the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds.  This is His justice, for those who stand firm until the end.

Lastly, and perhaps most pertinently, I KNOW THIS –
What they have done was unimaginable to us, who deal not by treachery;
What we WILL DO is unimaginable to them, who deal not in honesty…

III for the fight!

~Those who discard Liberty, do so at their own peril!

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