“…in a free country, people will not choose liberalism.”

“The only way liberals can get you to live the way they want you to is to deny you freedom to do what you want to do. And they’re not happy with you living and thinking in ways other than the way they live and think. You must conform.”   …

“Liberals are not about choice; they are about imposition. The way they live, the way they believe, must be imposed on people, otherwise they won’t do it on their own,” he added. “It’s taken them 50, 60 years to get to this point … to condition people not to stand up for themselves, not to exercise freedom, not to speak outside the acceptable norms.

What is political correctness but speech censorship, is all it is.


Interview with Rush Limbaugh, excerpted from TheBlaze

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11 years ago

The title of this post assumes liberals have the power to enforce their will on the populace which in a free country they theoretically wouldn’t. And yet, liberals run this country and most others. A more accurate statement might be, ” in a free country, about half the people will choose liberalism.”

11 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Did we not have a country based on Jefferson’s concept of Rightful Liberty? How did we get here?