From… Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open

“Hey Republicans, you can crack open the entire story of January 6, 2021 (“1/6”) with one simple, relentless question: what is the FBI and Army Counterintelligence’s relationship with Stewart Rhodes?
Why doesn’t anyone at the FBI or DOJ want him?
If 1/6 was an “insurrection,” why protect the one man who, more than any other individual referenced in the charging documents of the 530+ open criminal cases, comes closest to the media’s ravenous description of a “lead insurrectionist?”
Is it possible that the Oath Keepers, the most prominent antigovernment group in the United States, has been run, in effect, by the United States government itself — and nobody has mentioned it until now?”
Breaking: Please read the entire article here.
Why is the FBI protecting Stewart Rhodes? Has he been an intelligence asset the entire time?
What group’s are actually legit these day’s that they don’t really have infiltrated or begun it themselves for all i know… I think tens of millions are Anti-gov and looking for a way to save the best Country ever to exist.
I agree. We need a leader who is sincere and not willing to dance with the devil. Trust has been pushed over a cliff.
That’s why nothing will ever get accomplished.
George has been dead these 220 years.
Nobody is coming to save you but you.
Self-governance is self-rescue.
U.S. Citizens don’t have Constitutional guarantees.
If you are an American, born on one of the 50 states, why would you claim to be a dead Puerto Rican (“U.S. Citizen”) or a Roman slave (“citizen of the United States”)?
Our government is bottom-up, not top-down. It’s always been that way. Family>county>state>nation>country. That’s how it works, that is what works.
Stop waiting for a charismatic leader, since that is one of the signs of the “Antichrist/Undergod.” Why would you trust anyone that is not in your circle to have your best interests at heart? “Leaders” by definition are going to do things that are in their (or their owners) best interests. There can be no trust, only cooperation based on mutual need.
Roll up your frigging sleeves and do it yourself, or stop complaining when the experts and professionals give you all the “government” you can handle.
.gov ALWAYS tells on themselves. Just pay close attention to their actions, their LACK of actions, and the interplay of when & how those actions take place.
Revolver put it together. So have Americans who pay attention and think outside the box.
What was the .gov desired outcome of 1/6? Was it achieved? Who facilitated it?
(BTW, that article was a good read!)
Nuff said
This is a sad read indeed. Puts me in mind of a quote that I will twist to the occasion. There be none to trust save me and thee; and I rather suspect even thee. The point being we are basically on our own to fight and die alone. If you absolutely believe the bible, you should know the outcome of our predicament. It was foretold 2000+ years ago. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can nor will change the outcome. It has also been written that those closest to us will be our enemies. I have never been a defeatist. One must view everything from a realistic perspective.
Everything (including and especially this site) is monitored. That’s no reason to avoid expressing how we feel. So, I will say a few things in that regard. Peaceful demonstrations have never been successful as a means to effect change. Recent history affirms this. It was not until the Black Panthers and Black Muslims actively engaged in violence that MLK’s peaceful march saw fruition. It was not until the violent demonstrations of the 70s that the Viet war was brought to an end. That violence also produced many, if not most, of the crop of leaders infecting America.
What should be remembered is that back then even as today the violent forces of opposition had leadership and financial backing from unnamed and highly influential sources. And now, all the mechanisms are in place to avert a repeat to turn the tide.
Some websites are designed to calm our desire to rebel. I call them psyops. Q and qanon are examples. Some are designed to bring into the open many of us to be marked for further observation. Others are simply an outlet for our frustrations, a place to receive and dispense information we would otherwise never receive from government and blackops sources. Silence is much like throwing in the towel; and communication is cause for persecution. TPTB silence only that which may unduly influence the general public whom they control. The rest of us are permitted a forum so that our mindset can be monitored.
I can tell you this for certain -- there is no good outcome. I can cite all the reasons why but will not do so. Suffice it to say we are in for a hard ride. May God our Father and the Lord Christ Jesus overshadow us in these dark days.
Coloring and suborning people is a favorite and classic tactic of the FBI. Asking if Mr.Rhodes has been compromised is a valid question.
Not sure if he is RELATED ,but, the RHODES family who stole AFRICAN land by GUILE and FORCE of ARMS, which they called RHODESIA, now called ZIMBABWE, after Africans took it back, were FREEMASONS!
If he is related you have your answer.
Yep. Very astute.
‘Ole Cecil the gentile genocider. Had a hand in the Boer Wars and the first use of Concentration/Death Camps. Boer women and children, tens of thousands died.
Diamond cartel. And one of the plank owners of the Fabian Socialists. Evil distilled down to its purest essence.
Billy Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. Interesting to pull up a list of Rhodes scholars, and see where and what they have been up to.