You see (below) the most radical communist Democrat as Minority Leader having a full-blown bromance moment — DURING PRIME TIME — with the most hardcore RINO globalist Speaker of the House ever.
Trump loves McCarthy, a man who supports grooming children and is part of the WEF agenda.
He called another supposed conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green and convinced her to vote for McCarthy giving him the win.
Sick of no representation and living one step up from a slave.
He’s a controlled opposition clown that some on the right can’t suck off fast enough.
We’re never going to get a peoples army with so many still jacked into the Matrix convincing themselves they’re awake.
Yes, disgusting!
Do you feel “represented,” citizen? In our “representative constitutional republic”?
I don’t.
But it’s a PARTY in D.C. We’re not invited--but we pay for the entire shitshow.
2 years ago
I guess 2023 will be a year to dismem…I mean remember or forget…one.
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago
What could, or did, we expect? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Hope we don’t get fooled again. If the people want change we will have to do it ourselves. We should not depend on our rulers because they are going to deliver more of the same.
The are not supposed to be our rulers but representatives of we the people. They need to be reminded, nicely but very often by as many of us as possible.
one last box to vote with, hope y’all got lots of them boxes!
2 years ago
To quote Benjamin Martin: Would you tell me, please, Mister Howard, why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away?
An elected legislature can trample a man’s rights as easily as a King can. Well I guess this statement has proven true…now what we gonna do????
I love that movie. All those young men who died in our War for Independence died for a People who are so corrupt and stupid that they couldn’t -- wouldn’t -- protect what they had been given.
Yes, House Republicans are disgusting. Do read Kelleigh Nelson’s paper -- just out -- on this. It was published last night -- it’s right on point:
And someone to whom I sent Kelleigh’s paper wrote back and told me that we should be happy when we get 80% of what we want. I wrote back and said,
“That’s right! We must give in on the big stuff if we get what we want on the stuff which doesn’t matter. That is a sure path to victory. I can’t imagine why it hasn’t worked out for our side.”
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Funny how everybody is meandering through this situation the same….
Was struck by an idea this morning (only 1 cup, forgive me)… I’m reminded of that story about Jesus being betrayed. Even though he knew it was coming, he had to let it happen, the betrayal had to take place, to move through and forward.
We are all disgusted with whats happening, and maybe thats required. Maybe you have to have the stench, and taste of bile ingrained into the back of your mind, in order to move forward? Maybe we have to get to a point so much lower than we thought needed, or maybe I just need another cup of coffee before I start posting stuff in public.
Elder Son
2 years ago
216 ended up giving McCarthy the speakership.
I wonder how long the MAGA crowd will be spit on before they realize it is not fresh early morning dew?
2 years ago
If you are familiar with Jeff Sharlett’s books, this picture is self explanatory. Every single self professing Christian should be familiar with Mr. Sharlett’s first person account of what appears to me , to be ” the great deception”. Food for deep thought I promise.
2 years ago
A great system, politicians claim to solve problems, but just create more, requiring more govt intervention, which of course creates more problems, requiring more government! Where will it end, wrecked economy and revolution!
Trump loves McCarthy, a man who supports grooming children and is part of the WEF agenda.
He called another supposed conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green and convinced her to vote for McCarthy giving him the win.
Sick of no representation and living one step up from a slave.
So much for MTG doing that hardcore leader on our side.
Every twit has her price.
The kindest thing I can say about Trump is that he is senile.
He’s a controlled opposition clown that some on the right can’t suck off fast enough.
We’re never going to get a peoples army with so many still jacked into the Matrix convincing themselves they’re awake.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
Waking up the masses is our action item right now. The wave is crashing, we need to help it reach further.
Yes, disgusting!
Do you feel “represented,” citizen? In our “representative constitutional republic”?
I don’t.
But it’s a PARTY in D.C. We’re not invited--but we pay for the entire shitshow.
I guess 2023 will be a year to dismem…I mean remember or forget…one.
What could, or did, we expect? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Hope we don’t get fooled again. If the people want change we will have to do it ourselves. We should not depend on our rulers because they are going to deliver more of the same.
Exactly what I expected.
The are not supposed to be our rulers but representatives of we the people. They need to be reminded, nicely but very often by as many of us as possible.
So how’s that voting working out for you?
one last box to vote with, hope y’all got lots of them boxes!
To quote Benjamin Martin: Would you tell me, please, Mister Howard, why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away?
An elected legislature can trample a man’s rights as easily as a King can. Well I guess this statement has proven true…now what we gonna do????
I love that movie. All those young men who died in our War for Independence died for a People who are so corrupt and stupid that they couldn’t -- wouldn’t -- protect what they had been given.
A republic, if YOU YOU YOU YOU AND YOU AND YOU OVER THERE can keep it.
I fear for what lies ahead. Only a handful of politicians are trustworthy. (McCarthy aint one of them!)
You know a handful of trustful politicians? I don’t know any.
I guess the take-over occurred while we weren’t looking. Is it too late?
Yes, House Republicans are disgusting. Do read Kelleigh Nelson’s paper -- just out -- on this. It was published last night -- it’s right on point:
And someone to whom I sent Kelleigh’s paper wrote back and told me that we should be happy when we get 80% of what we want. I wrote back and said,
Funny how everybody is meandering through this situation the same….
Was struck by an idea this morning (only 1 cup, forgive me)… I’m reminded of that story about Jesus being betrayed. Even though he knew it was coming, he had to let it happen, the betrayal had to take place, to move through and forward.
We are all disgusted with whats happening, and maybe thats required. Maybe you have to have the stench, and taste of bile ingrained into the back of your mind, in order to move forward? Maybe we have to get to a point so much lower than we thought needed, or maybe I just need another cup of coffee before I start posting stuff in public.
216 ended up giving McCarthy the speakership.
I wonder how long the MAGA crowd will be spit on before they realize it is not fresh early morning dew?
If you are familiar with Jeff Sharlett’s books, this picture is self explanatory. Every single self professing Christian should be familiar with Mr. Sharlett’s first person account of what appears to me , to be ” the great deception”. Food for deep thought I promise.
A great system, politicians claim to solve problems, but just create more, requiring more govt intervention, which of course creates more problems, requiring more government! Where will it end, wrecked economy and revolution!