It’s the Constitution Stupid

If one listened to the Democrats describe SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh one would think his real name was Hitler. One would do well to understand that Kavanaugh is merely a surname; the Constitution is what the Democrats are really railing about.

If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed it will be a nightmare for the Democrats who want judges to legislate from the bench so that they don’t have to perform their elected function. Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, unambiguously gives any president the authority to refuse immigration to any individual(s) he or she deems appropriate… It isn’t so much that four SCOTUS Justices can’t read simple English, it is that they don’t like what the law gives the President the clear authority to do; so they voted against the wording that a fifth grade student could understand. That is a clear example of judicial activism!

If five SCOTUS judges refuse to rewrite the law then the Democrats are forced to seek an amendment to the Constitution. There’s little chance of an change happening because of the difficulty the framers built into the amendment process; and that is why liberals are going batshite crazy over the appointment of a fifth justice that will uphold the Constitution. With Thomas, Alito, Roberts, and Gorsuch already seated; Kavanaugh represents the tipping point.

The big smoke screen the Democrats use is screaming reproductive rights or right to choose, e.g., Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade has been established law for forty-six years; I seriously doubt that the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh would cause the 1972 SCOTUS ruling to be overturned. My personal opinion is that aborting an unborn child who can live outside the womb, e.g., late term or partial birth abortions, are no different than killing a child that is a day old, or a week, or whenever. For some strange reason most people draw the line when the toothless little critter is slapped on the buttocks and put in a nursery.

Democrats hate the Constitution because it is a deterrent to their socialistic agenda; plain and simple. The Democrats want illegals to come into the United States undeterred so anything that hampers that goal is untenable. This is the logic for their cries to dismantle the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE). If ICE does its job, it is more difficult for illegals to enter into the United States. Since the Democrat Party is quickly becoming a Socialist Party and losing its more moderate base, they need new voters. Democrats view illegals as Democrat voters in waiting.

During the next weeks Judge Kavanaugh will be called every pejorative term in the English language. Most of the hysterical claims will be false on their face and the person throwing the slime will know what they are saying is a lie; it matters little. Liberals/socialists want the Constitution to be made of silly putty which can be bent in any fashion to suit the collectivist needs; with five constitutional jurists on the SCOTUS that can’t happen. That is what the fight is about, why the falsehoods will be made, and why Mr. Kavanaugh will be slandered and dragged through the mud hoping some will stick to him.

Had it been me I would have appointed Amy Barrett and have her wear an “I really don’t care, do you” tee shirt to the Senate hearings. Actually I’m kidding, I would have selected Thomas Hardiman but any of the four finalists would be fine justices. That is why the left-wing Democrats said they wouldn’t vote for Trump’s appointee before they even knew who it would be; all four are a constitutionalist which is a liberal/socialist Democrat’s worst nightmare.

The confirmation process is going to be the worst experience of Kavanaugh’s life; if he has the courage to stick it out with a smile on his face, he will probably be the next member of the Supreme Court.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer in Grayling, Michigan.

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