“What If?”
The monologue that allegedly was responsible for The Judges’ departure from FOX News …
As posted on The Backwoods Engineer
The monologue that allegedly was responsible for The Judges’ departure from FOX News …
As posted on The Backwoods Engineer
I for one, saw this video and sent it to many others and it may be the best video the judge ever did along with a great service to us and this country !
We owe him the gratitude as being on equal standing with our founding fathers who wrote and believed in the U.S. Constitution !
If this video could be seen along with others he has done by everyone in this country, waht a difference we would see !
Thanks for blowing the dust off of this video and bringing it once again out into the light of day !
Older one, he has lost a lot of weight since then and is back as an on call expert now it seems?
The problem I see is when he talks about amending the Constitution by the government or Convention of States….By the government alone it would be UNlawful..
As far as Convention of States -- How many read Publius Huldah when she is posted here and takes apart the Article V that these guys are pushing…….
The 13th through 17th Amendments to the Constitution are invalid on their face, having been imposed by force and not by general consent, and as such they usurp the Sovereign rights of the several States; thus they have no substance, authority, nor force whatsoever. They ought therefore to be revoked, by the same force with which they were imposed.
An Article V Convention right now would be a travesty against Liberty.
Secession is, and always has been the answer.
Secession, and a general call to arms…
The legitimate Union of States died late in 1859, and it’s death certificate was issued in 1866 with the institution of the ill-named “reconstruction” -- the instantiation of Federal tyranny against the states, and the people thereof; let us therefore bury it’s remains, and build anew.
Wow! Ted Cruz announced his presidential candidacy
this morning, how exciting.
Yawn, burp, fart……..
Get right on that bandwagon you DD (dumb as dogshit) zombies.
Pay no attention to what he is saying.
However, be extremely attentive to what he is not saying.
not addressing, which he should be yelling and belligerent about.
No mention of the standing army police state occupying our
No mention of the relentless and traitorous attacks on the Second
No mention of the relentless and traitorous attacks on the Constitution.
No mention of the treasonous crimes of bathhouse barry and 99.9%
of our elected “political representatives.”
No mention of the tidal wave crisis of illegals coming from everywhere.
No mention of immigration law still not being enforced (decade after decade).
No mention of our southern border being more wide open than the legs of
a pornstar.
No mention of anything having to do with the overwhelming destruction of
our Constitution and Republic.
Go ahead you fucking dweebs and vote.
Vote, vote, vote, and vote again for your continued enslavement and
Just Do It, DD’s.
There is no point in further masturbating over our ‘elections’, nor those who arise to fulfill them.
I will call filth as it is, and the sham of elections in this nation has become exactly that -- deceptive filth.
What we need is legitimate and effective action, and “voting” is neither legitimate nor effective at this point. The alternative is immediately obvious and necessary, regardless of how unpalatable you may find it…
What if?
God Bless Judge Napolitano for having the courage to stand up and say what we’re all thinking! We need more like him and, thankfully, several are standing up.