Things that have popped up about John Pelletier, relayed from Hawaiian sources. To start let it be known, Hawaiian state statues require such positions to be filled by those who have maintained a residence in Hawaii for a minimum of one year. While Pelletier wasn’t qualified, four other native Hawaiian candidates were turned down. In order for Pelletier to ‘qualify’, the Hawaiian legislature had to amend the state statute specifically for him. In addition to paying him $50K for moving expenses, in less than two months from starting, he received a $40K raise. And most of us know already, he was the ‘incident co-ordination officer’ in the 10/1/17 Las Vegas shooting. Seems that day falls in the middle of Ids of March for Nov/Aug 13th, nice coincidence.
Now some details on the police department staff. Many long standing patrolmen quit citing ‘hostile work environment’, and I bet in hind sight many which they had followed suit. Yet that’s trivial compared to the woman who held the position of police chief secretary, a staff member for thirty years. In a matter of weeks after Pelletier was OTJ, she was assisting her pregnant daughter in delivering news papers, in the early morning hours. According to the report, a purse snatcher happened upon them, and the police chief’s secretary gave chase (in her car). Her corpse was recovered a few miles down the road in her overturned vehicle, at 4:40Am.
American Airlines doesn’t carry this much baggage!
(These are comments made by locals trying to get the word out. No, MSM sources to link. Take it with a grain of salt, if you must.)
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This country/government is so crooked, and you can’t believe even the national weather report. We just had 5 tornados touch down last night in Michigan, one 8 miles from my home. I’ve been without power since 11pm Thursday night and we got 7+ inches of rain, flooding in areas that has never flooded before DTW Metro airport was partially flooded. But the weather report said we only got 3.5 inches. Two days prior to all the bad weather the sky was full of Chemtrails, BUT nothing to see here. Thank God for Faith, patience and generator.
I live in Michigan and we have a crooked Soros governor and administration. We need Trump to return now. I hope we are not headed to a civil war in 2024 over the election. But it doesn’t look good. Ammo is cheaper than it’s been in 6 months, time to stock up, while I can still use my worthless green dollars before the digital card becomes a way for full control over our lives.
Continue to Pray for Our Real President, Donald J Trump. Just seen a poll that said that 40% of young voters will vote for Trump. The way this BidenObama administration is going, Trumps poll numbers will be 99.999% by voting day.
Your spot on Al Buckner. I too live in the crooked state of MI where the election monitors are barred from the room and the windows papered over. It would be nice to see the people in this state rise up but, to many of them are on the free crap teat.
Yep, they’ll kill to get their way. We need to kill back!
The Las Vegas massacre with said police chief and Maui
ongoing massacre with same said police chief. Purposeful
disaster in the making.
state sponsored genocide
In the event that most here don’t know, as a Hawaii resident I can tell you that this is one of the most corrupt demonrat states in the union. It simply flies under the radar since it is highly advertised as “paradise.” All things here are based on the corruption factor, pay to play and totally run by the union and trades instructing the legislator what and how to do things.
not really under the radar… lots of us know about it
I have zero doubts that ‘local politics’ in Hawaii involves a very special brand of corruption.
BRry Soetoro called Hawaii home. WHAT a coinkydink!?
and the kenyan has a fake birth certificate and he isn’t from here, obviously!
I still struggle every day to accept what is happening in front of me. I don’t want it to be true. I don’t want to know that such evil exiats in men. I want to bekieve humans are better than this.
We’re not. Look at history! The sign posts are coming faster now. This IS a communist takeover of our country. It really is happening. Struggle sessions are coming. You need to learn your history.
Communism is a label hiding the joos. An enemy can’t be defeated if it can’t be identified. I recommend “Creature From Jeckll Island” by Edward Griffin. The first step in the masters of mayhem success is the ability to print currency and loan at interest. You can’t have an intricate crime cabal without being able to shell out $$$$$ to bribe necessary individuals.
Communism(in practice) = Judaism. Marx was contracted by the Rothschilds to write ‘The Communist Manifesto based on16th century author Sir Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ to get ignorant peasants to kill all land owners, local police, local bankers, local educated people to bring on the ‘ideal socialist state’. It worked so well in Russia that they did it again in China. Note the people potographed around Mao tse T’ung after 1925. City of London bankers. Socialism kills.
And reasonable people are supposed to believe the Chief made her car flip over? Her daughter being pregnant has no bearing on anything. Where’s the baby daddy? Pelletier did a lousy job in Las Vegas. To put it mildly. But we must be prudent when viewing stories. Question every thing.
True enough with regard to those impertinent details added to the narrative, but the fact such a weasel got the state legislature to change a long standing law barring a non-resident from getting the job without the minimum requisite time of residency does stink, as if some sort of quid pro quo has taken place. And it isn’t like Pelletier is some kind of legendary super cop that can justify the exception to hiring practices; McGarret he most certainly isn’t.. Especially being he is a White male, and they don’t generally get such special accomodations these days.
He’s a flunky who oversaw (poorly at that) the investigation of a major mass shooting in his now former jurisdiction. And he gets rewarded like this with a plum gig in Hawaii? Why do sacks of dog squeeze like this always manage to fail upward? It happens way too frequently to be mere coincidence. It sounds like a joke to say this, but it’s as if there is some sort of club for these losers, and they get promoted based on their membership and good standing (based heavily on the asses they properly kiss, I’m sure). Said with all due credit to George Carlin.
I agree.
SERCO. SES( Senior Executive Services) was the doorway SERCO slithered through.
I have been trying to provide documentation to my neighbors of 28 years, but they all would rather turn on the MSM for fear porn and such. The CFRE began buying up all major news media in 1911, NOT 1921 for the documented purpose of “creating public debate to control the minds of the American people”. I aced Microbiology in college so watching people wearing dust masks but not discovering who is poisoning them is worse than stupid. As with the Spanish flu, the masks create an INCREASE in respiratory illness if not changed and sanitized every 3 hours.
I have been trying to provide documentation to my neighbors of 28 years, but they all would rather turn on the MSM for fear porn and such. The CFR began buying up all major news media in 1911, NOT 1921 for the documented purpose of “creating public debate to control the minds of the American people”. I aced Microbiology in college so watching people wearing dust masks but not discovering who is poisoning them is worse than stupid. As with the Spanish flu, the masks create an INCREASE in respiratory illness if not changed and sanitized every 3 hours. My mother was not a lying asced bitss, so I do NOT recommend CFR materials of ANY kind.