Most suppressed channel on Utube

Been a fan of this guy for years now, only to realize how censored his channel has become, today. Try this on your account. Use this video, or find a random posting by his channel. Without being logged in, everything seems normal. Once you login, try saving a video to one of your playlist. Can you?

Tell a lie, no one will bat an eye. Tell the truth, get blacklisted. Didn’t a former female governor of SC take pride in the removal of Dixie history? From what country did her family originate? Does her political career resemble a Madhanika?

Even videos with a 99% approval rating are being blocked by UK entities. Yet no one can conceive of a valid reason why. The history of India goes back further than any other in the world, as it’s carved in stone. The revelations this man makes tend to strike a lot of sensitive nerves.

One of the more odd things to standout, IMO, the fact Titans were considered to have a blue hue as do Hindu gods. Doubt that’s a coincidence.

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

I’m just a dumb hick from Kansas. I’ve never seen this temple, or this yt channel before. Absolutely fascinating! More evidence that the ancients, all over the world, possessed advanced technology and knowledge that has been lost to us.

And yes I did catch the reptilian/demon/god connection, like the Sirens, or Succubus’.

Thanks for posting and enlightening me.

1 year ago

Absolutely fascinating.

1 year ago

Here’s another example of “The History Gap.”
The images are amazing.  We are ALL Vedruss waking up.
PART 1 -- Is This The MIND-BLOWING Truth About Our History?

1 year ago

I have to make a retraction.
Seems I may have overlooked all options in the drop down menu. Although when I originally wrote this piece, options in the drop down were not the same. From what I recall, the ‘clip’ option was below the viewer, as well as the ‘thank$’ icon. The drop down only had two option, neither of which were ‘save’.
Maybe I overlooked something, or maybe I’m being gaslighted. Can’t prove either, will have to take it as a lesson and get a screenshot next time I attempt to make such a claim.
My apologies if anyone felt I was maliciously misleading in my assertion. Though if you look at his past post, he has certainly been censored in the past on more than one occasion.

1 year ago

it totally blocks this video from me on Youtube. even with VPN on. so messed up.