My hope for NCRenegades in the New Year ahead …

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2 years ago

Absolutely and Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas to the NC Renegades. You are a blessing every day of the year! Thank you.

2 years ago

In the meantime -THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE US ALONE -- it’s just a leftist thing -- torture them until their dead!

Tragedy of the Commons

Perfect! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good traditional life.
May you all be blessed and the scum, cursed.

2 years ago

Close the damn door!

2 years ago

Something worth praying about.

Ephesians 6 …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…

Brace for Impact -- by Cernovich -- The Other Side of Fear (

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Be a provider and protector (local) is what the caption above says to me. oh! shut the door, were you born in a barn? Get that cat off my chair!
“They” the opposition the evil spiritual realm, are everything we were warned of through the gospels, of not becoming like them. Be the opposite and do not fall for the many and subtle tricks of the trickster.
Watched this video the other night, and took notes as i was compelled. Here they are.
He is allowed to make war on the saints and conquer them.
This does not mean necessarily that he attacks them with perceived violence. The anti christ and false prophets can also attack using love and compassion as a weapon, they are subtle , conniving tricksters who cloak themselves as angels of light. they are deceivers!
Going to war with the saints can mean that he is bring them on his team by ways of delusion. He makes war on them and kills them (they loose their everlasting life because they are deceived by the beast.)
They pledge allegiance, (Loyalty) to the beast. Loyalty ? How often do we hear or see this of late? Thinking of Trump, thinking of retailors (loyalty rewards.)
i still believe this mark can be non physical. What is in your mind in your heart? He truly knows! Spiritually do we trust in men? Are we to trust in men, even a brother? i was literally brought to my knees because of the small stuff, the personal, one on one experience, not the large miracles and things we often think of.
His witnesses are on both sides of the river(the water) He (Master and Truth)is in the middle and above the Water. Daniel 12:5
my fear and concern is people are expecting things to happen that simply are not true, are not going to happen, they expect the physical and what they have been steered to expect. So they do not see nor hear the True signs and warnings. He told and warned us … Sign of Jonah Mathew 16:4 . How many of us grasp what the sign of Jonah even is?( i too struggle with this.)

2 years ago

Well folks Christmas is over and its time to pull our pants up and be “real” Americans. Get ready because the Plan is in full effect…Russia attacks Ukraine and Poland…Title 42 ceases and the Border Army/Cartels infiltrate our Southern Border at 20K per day with ammo and guns pre-placed by Chinese and Cartels in US…the Chinese attack Taiwan and forces in Canada start down from Vancouver and setup base in Chicago/Detroit…in California troop ships(cargo vessels) with the aid of Newsom start unloading troops and heavy armament in hopes of joining Chinese Troops in Mexican Baja area. The Chinese expect victory within 72 hours at which their Stooge Biden will Surrender the country to Xi Jinping and Putin. Once the US falls then Western Europe will surrender. So are you going to the camp for beheading or going to fight standing up? Its that dire folks! within the next 60 days 2-5 million people will lose their jobs, shortages of food and inflation are here…you can still get deals on ammo NOW! Whats it going to be? Wait for the PLAN or make a STAND?