“Once we are totally surrendered to God, He will work through us all the time.”
Staying or maintaining this thought (this knowledge, this wisdom, this obedience) is a large part of the mission.
it’s not that you have God, It’s that He’s got you.
Y’all I am SO FLAWED. I have so many contradictions in my spirit and I am trying SO HARD to give it all back to Him and get me out of it. If I end up fighting for Liberty of my family I hope I do it as a Christian warrior and with God whispering to me the whole time. If I end up like David and am told I cannot “build the temple” because of the blood I have spilled I will be OK if my ancestors are free.
“Once we are totally surrendered to God, He will work through us all the time.”
Staying or maintaining this thought (this knowledge, this wisdom, this obedience) is a large part of the mission.
So powerful.
The wisdom part at the bottom is SO POWERFUL!
it’s not that you have God, It’s that He’s got you.
Y’all I am SO FLAWED. I have so many contradictions in my spirit and I am trying SO HARD to give it all back to Him and get me out of it. If I end up fighting for Liberty of my family I hope I do it as a Christian warrior and with God whispering to me the whole time. If I end up like David and am told I cannot “build the temple” because of the blood I have spilled I will be OK if my ancestors are free.
He’s. Got. Me.
He has built the temple, the temple is to be within us.
mankind just needs to be brought to this revelation.